OFFICIAL: Suit Settled, Merger to Happen.

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Quote: Forgot to post this earlier when I saw it on a different board. Wondering if this is going to reflect the stance of the West pilots if they get their third seat at the SI. Essentially they bring no f/o's to the party but all captains. That their 1000 capts should be slotted in immediately with AA wide body capts, to make up for the harm the East has given them?

What say you Cacit and WD?

"Any of youse look at a NIC list lately??? Didn't think so... that head in the hole thing. Well, let me just say this: every active west pilot can hold Group 2 captain.

Every West pilot can hold Group 2 captain.

There are 250 west captains which can hold 330 captain

There are 750 west captains which can hold 767 captain

A 1999 hire on the west sits with 1985 hires on the east"
Just proof of the outright theft and douchebaggery of the east pilots who brought 1600 furloughs to the us/Awa merge and undercut west pay and benefits.
Quote: Just proof of the outright theft and douchebaggery of the east pilots who brought 1600 furloughs to the us/Awa merge and undercut west pay and benefits.
God bless that furlough, I got back in, and retired, from the military.

How many ex-wives are you paying again? You seem strapped 4 cash.
So that wouldn't be a windfall, which EVERY pilot on the West side would have a capt seat available to them, prior to f/o's with no break in service, hadn't been furloughed etc etc etc?

So every west pilot hired post 9/11 deserved to have a capt seat before a guy with 20+ yrs?

Gotcha, Ok.

Hear that APA? that's what's coming at ya....
Quote: The absolute starting point MUST be with the NIC and then we can sit down with APA and work via MB. I am not at all up for just going in with separate list and starting from scratch because it rewards the east only and that we just can not have.

The numbers you posted sound like they could be correct but I can not verify it at this time. What I can tell you is that usapa wasted time and money that would have been better spent in pilots pockets.


So by the nic being the starting point your saying every west pilot should be classified as a capt? You bring no f/os. Into the SLI? Even those hired in the 03-05 time frame?
This was broken down on an internal board, and whomever originally posted those numbers, they are wildly inaccurate. Not every pre-merger West pilot is senior enough to hold Group 2 Captain on the East, period - I checked. Many of them are. But to say that is only half the story.

Put it another way. If you take the number of the most junior 767 captain on the east, subtract the total number of 767 captains flying, you come up with a number (it's about 900) of people who *could* hold 767 captain but don't. Here's the thing - for every one of them, that is a choice! Some are 330 captains. Some are on the little bus because they don't want to fly international. Some are based in DCA because they live there. Some don't want to sit reserve. etc etc etc

So yes, were the Nicolau list in full effect, a fairly substantial portion (but not nearly all) of the pre-merger AWA pilots would be senior to the most junior A320 captain in an East domicile. However, a few other things would have to happen. First, seniority would have to be resolved. Second, there would have to be an opening. (No bump, no flush.) Third, a person would have to want the position. Many PHX-based pilots might prefer to stay based closer to home if they live out West. Some might prefer the right seat of the A330 to a junior left seat on the small bus. There are so many reasons for bidding what people bid that it is nearly impossible to speculate.

That said, the sooner the seniority issue is resolved, the better. Personally, I can't wait for the day that we have ONE seniority list for everyone at the new American.

And yes, getting rid of USAPA is a wonderful thing. This is an organization that filters EVERY decision they make (including what color to paint the men's room walls) through the question of how does it affect the seniority fight. These guys have been screwing over 80% of the pilot group to fight for the interests of 20% since Day One, and they've been empowered because too many fail to look beyond the rhetoric and see the facts.
Quote: So by the nic being the starting point your saying every west pilot should be classified as a capt? You bring no f/os. Into the SLI? Even those hired in the 03-05 time frame?
What I am saying is that it is what it is now. The whole thing was balanced when issued and the east sought to disrupt that balance. Now things are completely out of whack but this is a direct result of the actions the east took. The east now wants to cry foul but really they brought all of this on themselves by not honoring our agreements.

This is what happens when you seek to deceive others its called karma.

It will be very entertaining to listen to you east vs. west blowhards when you face the folks at APA. The coming food fight will be just another example of how pilots continue to be their own worst enemies, failing again to use the opportunity to put the past behind them and focus on forging a new dynamic that could, and should, change the pilot profession for the good. Nope, the infighting will simply intensify while management laughs all the way to the bank. Hope I am wrong.
Quote: It will be very entertaining to listen to you east vs. west blowhards when you face the folks at APA. The coming food fight will be just another example of how pilots continue to be their own worst enemies, failing again to use the opportunity to put the past behind them and focus on forging a new dynamic that could, and should, change the pilot profession for the good. Nope, the infighting will simply intensify while management laughs all the way to the bank. Hope I am wrong.
Your probably right.......ha. Why would it change if 50 yrs or more ?!?
Quote: It will be very entertaining to listen to you east vs. west blowhards when you face the folks at APA. The coming food fight will be just another example of how pilots continue to be their own worst enemies, failing again to use the opportunity to put the past behind them and focus on forging a new dynamic that could, and should, change the pilot profession for the good. Nope, the infighting will simply intensify while management laughs all the way to the bank. Hope I am wrong.
Albert Einstein might argue that pilots are insane.
Quote: If you are going to quote me, get it right.
I didn't quote you. If I did you would have seen these " ". I paraphrased you. And I was accurate.

Quote: I think many who are tee heeing and slapping their backs over these mergers, will feel very different in 5 years or so when they are negotiating with a management team who knows the government will never allow a strike at an airline that is "too big to fail."
The government will never allow a legacy airline to strike anyway. And, it's been that way for years.

Quote: Yes I think in 5-10 years you will see more government intervention in the airline industry due to business practices of the big 3 airlines.
OK. We'll hold our breath for that. Of course, your history of prognostication is not the best. Here are a few for the record:

Quote: Upon reading the filing, it is hard to see where changes could be made to make it agreeable to DOJ. The changes necessary would likely make the merger not worth doing.
Quote: The DOJ filing is filled with references to United and Delta. It is also filled with references to traffic through hubs, not just point to point competition. If you read this document carefully, its easy to see the DOJ is interested in a lot more than just US Airways and American, and this filing is not just about the DCA slots.
No. The DOJ was interested in just US Airways and American.

Quote: Unfortunately this merger had to deal with the baggage created by United and Delta, and now that Justice has decided to act the odds are against this being approved. Of course anything is possible, but career Justice Department lawyers rarely file cases they don't expect to win and their batting average is pretty good.
Much of this one was just wrong, but the bolded part is laughable. The Justice Department's goal from the outset was to delay and obstruct. They had no intention of going to court with AA/US...and when they do go to court, their "batting average" is not good.

Quote: While the DOJ's actions this week are very unpopular in aviation and investment circles, it has been very popular with most consumer groups. Ultimately that is who the politicians will listen to when it comes to this.
No. The politicians were largely in favor of the merger. They listened to the thousands of employees and other interested parties that wanted the deal done. The average consumer couldn't have cared less if the merger happened or not. Despite the fact that:

Quote: I have worked in this industry for 17 years in one capacity or another, a good deal of it in customer service. I have never seen passengers as angry as they are right now.
Quote: Unfortunately for the employees of AA/US the DOJ rarely loses these cases.
Quote: I agree with you on the Administration but Republicans are on board with this as well. This is why this is likely going to stand in court. Outside of airline corporate suits the action by the DOJ is very popular. It is what it is.
Quote: And when government officials are getting pressure from unhappy consumers and local government officials, things start to happen. If you think this is just going to go away, you're mistaken. The only question is how far the DOJ is going to go with this, and whether they will go after previous mergers if this deal is blocked.
So wrong. But, that's fine, because we're all wrong at one point or another. It's one thing to just be wrong. The thing with you came over to a thread that (according to you) didn't affect you one way or the other and stuck your finger in the eye of a bunch of good people who just got the rug pulled out from under them while they were trying to support their families. That's pretty small.
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