Ebola and Work assignments

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I wonder whatever became of the Neutron Bomb?
Quote: I wonder whatever became of the Neutron Bomb?
How did we get on the subject of ISIS. At least you arent calling us racist yet, in public anyways.
Quote: Unfortunately, i've been on plenty of RJ's and I think that you're exaggerating and being a bit dramatic.
Ebola Patient Traveled By Air Day Before Symptoms Surfaced « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

And yes this is the 2nd nurse the illegal immigrant attempted to murder. Something tells me health care workers are going to get a raise.
Is anyone else fed up with the hack running the CDC?

He stated that there was zero risk to the passengers from the flight the Liberian took to reach Dallas. And he stated that we would make things worse (here) if we restricted air travel from Liberia.

Then he states that the current victim (nurse #2) should not have flown.

So if I read him corectly, the infected liar from Liberia is okay flying, and no one should worry, but the asymptomatic U.S. citizen should not have flown?

The CDC director is a despicable lying hack.
Quote: How did we get on the subject of ISIS. At least you arent calling us racist yet, in public anyways.
Who is "us"?
Quote: Who is "us"?
Well I guess you; if you want to nuke Liberia. Lots of sympathy here for native Africans who want to escape. More sympathy, at least from me, for American health care workers who have a demonstrated 5% chance of catching the disease if working with an infected patient off the street.
This situation is quickly getting out of control!

Now we find out that for the first two days of treating Duncan in Dallas the nurses didn't have protective suits.

We now have a second nurse with Ebola and the nurse knowingly traveled on an airplane with a fever.

Worse, the nurses in Dallas weren't trained on how to take care of someone with Ebola. They repeatedly called the CDC for guidelines. The CDC was slow to respond. The nurses who worked on Duncan weren't isolated as they continued to work on other patients -- even when they didn't have protective suits!!!

We need to end the direct flights (Delta Air Lines) to West Africa now! And we need to forbid anyone traveling to the USA who has been in West Africa and/or who holds a passport from those countries until they contain the outbreak there.

This major screw up in Dallas may well be the start of a huge outbreak here in the USA. God help us.
This major screw up in Dallas may well be the start of a huge outbreak here in the USA.

What do you mean? The CDC and The "Duffer In Chief" says there isn't much chance that anyone will contract Ebola in this country!*?

"Not even one little smidgen"

Quote: This situation is quickly getting out of control!

Now we find out that for the first two days of treating Duncan in Dallas the nurses didn't have protective suits.

We now have a second nurse with Ebola and the nurse knowingly traveled on an airplane with a fever.

Worse, the nurses in Dallas weren't trained on how to take care of someone with Ebola. They repeatedly called the CDC for guidelines. The CDC was slow to respond. The nurses who worked on Duncan weren't isolated as they continued to work on other patients -- even when they didn't have protective suits!!!

We need to end the direct flights (Delta Air Lines) to West Africa now! And we need to forbid anyone traveling to the USA who has been in West Africa and/or who holds a passport from those countries until they contain the outbreak there.

This major screw up in Dallas may well be the start of a huge outbreak here in the USA. God help us.

They have you right where they want you; scared. Now all the govt has to do is come in and fix everything!

Not that Ebola is something that should not concern everyone but geez, the sky aint falling. Or maybe, we just need to declare a War on Ebola. That will fix things!

When 2-3 times more people die from Ebola as do from the flu, per year, I think that is when we all need to be poopin in our pants.

Ebola Safety Protocol Appears To Be Defective -- Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org
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