PIT USAir Express ground crews

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Who actually employs the ground and gate personnel for USAir Express flights out of PIT? I don't know what their deal is, but none of them seem to have any concern for their job at all. 90% of the time we have to stop short of the gate and wait for at least a couple minutes before anybody shows up, and when they do, they casually wander around gathering carts and batons and chocks and then just kinda meander up to marshal us in, meanwhile we're chomping at the bit to get our close connects off, and the poor FA in the back is battling everybody trying to get up, etc.

The gate agents will just leave the gate before their relief comes, and not communicate anything to the next person. Last night we told our gate agent we were ready to board, and apparently that was her cue to go home. The next gate agent wasn't told anything, and 5 minutes prior to our planned departure, I went back inside to see what was going on, and she just looked at me and said "Are you guys ready?" So, we took a delay for it.

There's just generally no sense of urgency or morale with any of them... anyone know what the deal is?
my guess is they are main line usair or were at one point and had the options of being laid off, moving (or commuting) to clt or phl, or had to take a pay cut and work for who ever they are working for now. Usair used to have a real good reputation with the locals when they had over 20000 jobs in the local area. now you mention usair to a Pittsburgher and you get the same reaction as if you said something about cleveland.
When I was there I think it was PSA, but that was two years ago.
Still PSA on the Express side.
I've come to expect lousy service from mainline agents...that means any Hub-turn is never a quick one.

Can't say the same for those Outstation-personnel, however. Everyone I have ever dealt with, whether they be AWAC, SKW, XJT, etc...are all on top of their games and a pleasure to work with!
Yep, they are ex-mainline PSA crews and are some of the laziest, p|ssed off people Ive ever had to deal with. Worse than PHL's crews. They are just lazy, not vindictive *********s like at PIT.
Quote: Worse than PHL's crews.

Any Air Wisconsin or PSA pilot who is or was based in PHL and missed their commute home because of the slackass, prison work-release Terminal F rampers would disagree STRONGLY with that statement.

In my experience PIT has slipped a little recently (waiting to get parked, for example) but is still far and away the best USX station. Well, with the exception of JIMMAY down in CLT...
Quote: Yep, they are ex-mainline PSA crews and are some of the laziest, p|ssed off people Ive ever had to deal with. Worse than PHL's crews. They are just lazy, not vindictive *********s like at PIT.
Very funny and ve true the Us Airways exp people up in ALB where such asses, All I would ever hear is how they made 70K and its not fair what happened top them, I hate Corporate greed but 70K to do what they do is too much, wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. Best people in the Biz are CLE Rampers/Gate Agents if you ask me...............
For a minute there, I thought you were talking about the Atlanta/ASA groung crew. They are the laziest bunch you will ever see.
Quote: For a minute there, I thought you were talking about the Atlanta/ASA groung crew. They are the laziest bunch you will ever see.
PHL and DCA are pathetic.

PIT is dropping fast though. Used to be you NEVER had to wait for a marshaller. Now it is standard. Same with the jetway drivers. Same with a lot of things.

PIT used to be the best station for ground handling. Not sure anymore.
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