Emirates hiring FO

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It's on climbto350.com today...
minimum of 4000 total, 2000 multi engine jet.
I thought I would share for those who are interested.
I wish I had more flying time
Maye I'm mistaken but didnt Emerites just completely flush the pool about 4 months ago??????????
I think they're not hiring RJ pilots anymore. They want narrow body.

A good read if considering joining. I was shocked to see that things at EK arent all that swell as the company image makes them look.. Seems it's a pretty general consensus among many pilots there.
Quote: Maye I'm mistaken but didnt Emerites just completely flush the pool about 4 months ago??????????
Yep, I was one of them. There were about 100 guys in the pool, split evenly between Boeing/Airbus guys and RJ guys. They took the 50 that weren't RJ guys.

I'm not bitter and wish all those who want to try EK, nothing but the best of luck but it's not what it used to be and if you're contemplating a move to the desert, make sure you do as much research as possible. Don't get blinded by the big jets and tax free salary.

I got lucky and found a better much better gig.

EK flushed the pool in the summer. They started hiring again about Sep. If you were in the pool you had to re-interview.

When they started hiring, they required 2000 on over 55 tonne aircraft, so RJ only guys were getting rejected. They also stopped paying your way to the interview.

Then, they dropped the 55 tonne requirement to a "preferred" status. Then, after Xmas, they are now flying you for free from an EK destination in to DXB.

If you go to Pprune, it is VERY doom and gloom, but it is also that way for EVERY mideast carrier.

All of the guys I have talked to personally at EK have all said it is decent to very good. Most of the pprune complainers are Euros who have never worked for Mesa or USA Jet (or even USAir or UAL), and they have never lived in DTW or EWR, for example.

It sounds like EK is getting more and more desperate. In 2007 or so, when the pilot shortage was the worst, they were taking RJ only guys and making them DECs (Direct Entry Captains). And, the smallest plane EK has is an A-330.

If U R interested, I would read all the pprune stuff, but take it with a grain of salt. TyphoonPilot has the best info on EK, and he is on most forums.

Quote: Hi!

In 2007 or so, when the pilot shortage was the worst, they were taking RJ only guys and making them DECs (Direct Entry Captains). And, the smallest plane EK has is an A-330.


Hi Cliff:

Just a minor correction to your post. No RJ pilots were made direct entry captain. The requirements got lowered at one point so that narrow body skippers of A320s and B737s were getting DEC spots, but never RJ pilots.

OK...I read that RJ guys were making DEC, so I must have read it on a Qatar post, and wrongly remembered it as EK.

Thanks for the correction!

Quote: Hi!

If U R interested, I would read all the pprune stuff, but take it with a grain of salt.

I'm not taking a pop at you and I wish you the best of luck getting a shot at EK but it would be very foolish to simply dismiss the moaning on Pprune as the rantings of a vocal minority. I have quite a few friends at EK. Some in Mgt, some "lowly" FO's and one that has been there from the very beginnings of EK. None of them are your usual "glass half empty" types but they are all, to a person, worried about the direction EK Mgt has taken over the recent years. The guys that joined EK in the last 3 years are all simply waiting for things to pick up in the US and they'll be back in a New York minute. Even if it means starting at the bottom of someone's list and taking a huge paycut.

As I said in another post, do your homework very thoroughly. If you're going to end up hating your job and being pi$$ed off at life, the desert is the last place you want to be. Even if it seems like EK is your only choice.
Quote: If you're going to end up hating your job and being pi$$ed off at life, the desert is the last place you want to be. Even if it seems like EK is your only choice.


I'm not going to defend some of the things that have happened at Emirates in the last few years, but if one looks around the industry there aren't many really good place to go to work anymore. EK is still okay in many respects and far better than many places that one might end up otherwise.

I've never encouraged anyone to make EK their first choice if they were from the USA. Fedex, UPS, SWA, and a few others are certainly better places to make a career. Yet EK does work for some people. Whether it be as a stepping stone; a place to wait out a furlough; or something else EK can be good.

I still enjoy my time here for the most part. I am certainly working harder, that is true, and there are some worrying trends. Yet, I can't find anything better out there to go to at this time.

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