Fedex -- When is the bid?

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Obviously, with rampant draft in the 11 CA, bus and 727 f/o seats, and the end of the 757 training letter looming, some sort of bid is on the horizon. Any substantial rumors?
I know!
Friday at close of business?!?!

Not necessarily this Friday.
Quote: Obviously, with rampant draft in the 11 CA, bus and 727 f/o seats, and the end of the 757 training letter looming, some sort of bid is on the horizon. Any substantial rumors?

Huh? Been flying my "behind" off on reserve (both R24 & RA) but haven't been called (nor even heard of anyone being called) for DFT?
Quote: Huh? Been flying my "behind" off on reserve (both R24 & RA) but haven't been called (nor even heard of anyone being called) for DFT?
Well, they are drafting in your seat a lot. I flew with a Captain last week on draft. He bought the beer, and dinner. Let the good times roll!
I got called for a DFT trip the other day but had to turn it down because I wanted to spend time with my family!
Apparently they are VERY short on MD-11 FO's in all quadrants. All they have to do to find them is look at the 727 SO seat. There, problem solved.
Quote: Obviously, with rampant draft in the 11 CA, bus and 727 f/o seats, and the end of the 757 training letter looming, some sort of bid is on the horizon. Any substantial rumors?

Silly Walrus ... it's not our job (as APC commentators) to tell management how to do their job like competent managers!*? Personally, I'm hoping for a few more of those forward looking canceled bids (canceled AFTER The awards)?
Classic. Seems like they're pretty fat on 27 S/Os though...
Quote: Classic. Seems like they're pretty fat on 27 S/Os though...
Heard they are drafting in that seat today...
Drafting lots of ANC f/o's. Over RLG again this month.
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