Job Fair attire

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Guys and gals,

I will be attending my first job fair next month (finally NOT working during one), and wasn't sure what to wear.

The website specifically says "business casual. Save your suits for the interview".

How does one interpret this while still standing out making a good impression? Wear a suit regardless? Or wear a nice pair of slacks with a nice shirt and tie? My gut is saying "wear a friggin suit and stand out".

Any advice from those who have experience in the matter would be appreciated.
Suits. Tie and the whole 9.
I'd wear the suit. Give off the appearance that you are serious about getting the interview/job. I'm sure everyone there is serious but looks count towards that first impression.
Bring your boots
If your going to stop by a TSA/GoJet table make sure to bring your boots because you know it's going to be deep.

Personally, if they specifically said not to wear a suit, I wouldn't wear a suit.
Thanks all!!!

I think I'll wear the suit
So let me get this straight. There is a pilot shortage and the regional airlines are begging for people to apply (so they say) yet there are still enough applicants for a job fair? It's crazy when people are worried about attire and attitude at a job fair for a 24k per year job. That is before you factor in the investment to get the job which is usually around 50-60K at least.

Sorry, this industry is so confusing and backwards. Lame....
Last one I was at in LAS, 80% of the peeps wore business casual. Maybe they want to see if you can actually read and comprehend the English language and/or follow directions.
It always cracks me up at the amount of people that say wear a suit.
I say go biz casual unless you expect to get an on the spot interview.
Have a look at what most of the exhibitors are wearing....usually biz casual.
I had the same feeling as you but it clearly says not to wear suits so don't because i think it shows you don't pay attention to detail. I bought a fresh pair of khaki pants with a new Polo and some new sketcher shoes. Not sure what worked but got offered two interviews a couple months later when I met their mins. I really think my attitude and resume was more important than just physical looks. Just look professional. If this is a regional job fair the biggest thing they are looking at is will you meet the ATP mins when hr5900 goes into effect. There are no exceptions so they are pretty strict. Some were big on 100 multi too. Other than that they will assessing your personality so don't be fake. Just be the guy that YOU would want to hire. There were some guys wearing suits but to me they came off as douchebags and ass kissers. I would elaborate more but I'm sure you get the picture. Non of the company reps had suits so I would say don't over dress them. Some had ties but definitely no coats. I can see the angle of showing them you are serious but let your personality win them over. And if you have not done so already have your airline apps up to date and ready to be reviewed. Have fun,relax, meet everyone and get business cards. Good luck.
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