What's ALPA doing with windfall?

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I am an ALPA supporter. We need a strong union.

That being said....

United pilots alone pay about $50 million per year in dues. That is WAY up from a few years ago (I know...it's up because ALPA got us the raises).

Does anyone know what they're doing with all the extra money?

Are we giving pensions to the office staff and ALPA national officers?

There is a LOT of money involved here. I would like to see proof that it is going to good use.

Just thought this might be an interesting conversation.
It won't. Go on the ALPA website and do some research. It's all there.

If you truly are as lazy as you appear, you can call your reps.

That or you are trying to incite an ALPA bashing.
Quote: Does anyone know what they're doing with all the extra money?
Funding the campaigns of bad politicians.
Quote: Funding the campaigns of bad politicians.
Sorry, wrong Mr. ALPA heater. Nice try though. Not one red cent of dues money goes to campaign funding. That all comes from ALPAPAC. Those funds are voluntarily donated by individuals who realize that friendly politicians can pay HUGE dividends when legislation effecting pilot's interests come up.
Quote: Sorry, wrong Mr. ALPA heater. Nice try though. Not one red cent of dues money goes to campaign funding. That all comes from ALPAPAC. Those funds are voluntarily donated by individuals who realize that friendly politicians can pay HUGE dividends when legislation effecting pilot's interests come up.
Wrong! Factually incorrect:

Air Line Pilots Assn: Summary | OpenSecrets
Quote: Wrong! Factually incorrect:
All that came from ALPAPAC not dues money. So quit lying.

We get it. You hate ALPA.
Packrat is correct that all the political donations come from ALPA PAC.
Quote: Yes... I am 34 and finishing up my instrument rating.

I am single with good credit but decided to make a career change to be a pilot. The only place I could get a loan for training was Sallie Mae, and that is at 12%.

Needless to say, because I am single and flexible I can make this work. Most people my age are not and can not.

If I was 24 it would make a lot more sense.

Going to college for flight training is a bad move because it means one is putting all of the eggs in one basket. So the smart person gets a degree in something outside of aviation (or maybe aviation business), and then pursues their flight training after college. But because there is only 1, maybe 2 lenders available, we get taken to the bank, literally.

I will be unable to make my full monthly loan payments for the first few years, even moving back in with my parents, I am well aware of that. I will be "closing my eyes and thinking of England".

Not exactly an attractive proposition, eh? I mean, is it any wonder why people are not flocking to the industry.
Quote: Wrong! Factually incorrect:

Air Line Pilots Assn: Summary | OpenSecrets
Why do you hate ALPA so much, if you're not even in the business yet??? What did ALPA do to you?

Or are you a TROLL?
Quote: Wrong! Factually incorrect:

Air Line Pilots Assn: Summary | OpenSecrets
Ok, so I played his game. Went and researched that page. Everything is factually correct on it. However, nowhere does it say that the monies came from dues. All it references, very briefly, (in a pie chart,) is the money comes from donations from individuals and organizations. Maybe he is trying to hang his hat on that, but overall, that site totally disproves his rant theory.
Yepeeeeeee! Another ALPA haters thread...! Let me get some popcorn
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