How to get from 250tt to 500tt?

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Assuming the instructor route is not an option, how does one go from 250tt to 500tt?

CMEL/CSEL and Instrument rating are in the bag.
If it's because of money most big schools will pay for the cfi. Otherwise drop skydivers, aerial mapping(all of them currently hiring), banner tow(lots on east coast). So many options right now. Out of curiosity what will you be doing at 500 hours?
I have to recommend getting an account on ClimbTo350, and stalk it like crazy. That's how I was able to get my current job doing aerial photography of farms. I was offered the job 4 hours after it was posted, so it happens quickly. Also watch this site and JetCareers.
Quote: Out of curiosity what will you be doing at 500 hours?
I don't know, perhaps something slightly better than what you mentioned?
Quote: I don't know, perhaps something slightly better than what you mentioned?
I lived in a loft in a hangar with no windows building time flying jumpers and had the time of my life! And all my friends in mapping stay in nice hotels flying across the country making good money. All with fresh commercials. Not sure what you meant by something better! If you get your CFI then you could go to plane sense or Boutique(which is what I assume you mean by better) at 500TT otherwise there will be guys with more experience and qualifications at that level. Even AirChoiceOne somehow filled there last class with 1000 hour guys. I was in your place a year ago and to put it straight you will hit 500 hours and look back and realize how little you knew out of school and at 250hrs most places can't legally hire you. There are the rare corporate places and 135 ops but if they don't have higher time guys applying there is a reason for it. Plus the experience flying some of the less "better" jobs will be worth it and better than waiting several months to find something "better".

Good Luck! If you find something better do share to help the next guys!
Quote: I lived in a loft in a hangar with no windows building time flying jumpers and had the time of my life!
A few questions....

- how many hours per month can one expect doing jumper flights?

- how much does that pay?

- does that involve a type rating for the aircraft being flown, or any other special training?

Quote: And all my friends in mapping stay in nice hotels flying across the country making good money. All with fresh commercials.
Yes, I am giving serious consideration to that.

The downside is I don't like living on the road (short trips are ok, but living out of a hotel for weeks and months on end really blows). And also, the idea of spending 8 hours a day or so at 1000AGL is a bit scary given my inexperience to be honest (especially if I'm required to operate camera equipment too).


Quote: I was in your place a year ago and to put it straight you will hit 500 hours and look back and realize how little you knew out of school and at 250hrs
Oh I am very humble and inexperienced, no argument from me there. I have often heard that it takes to around 800hrs before things start to seriously "click" in the brain and you tend to reach a higher knowledge plane around then.
Quote: A few questions....

- how many hours per month can one expect doing jumper flights?

- how much does that pay?

- does that involve a type rating for the aircraft being flown, or any other special training?

Yes, I am giving serious consideration to that.

The downside is I don't like living on the road (short trips are ok, but living out of a hotel for weeks and months on end really blows). And also, the idea of spending 8 hours a day or so at 1000AGL is a bit scary given my inexperience to be honest (especially if I'm required to operate camera equipment too).


Oh I am very humble and inexperienced, no argument from me there. I have often heard that it takes to around 800hrs before things start to seriously "click" in the brain and you tend to reach a higher knowledge plane around then.
Based on your hesitations about various options, I would suggest that perhaps you are not really looking for a "job" flying, but that you really appreciate it as a hobby. Go get a well-paying gig in a cubicle, like 9-to-5, and get your flying jollies in a club on the weekends.

What I really don't understand is why the CFI just isn't an option for so many. It is an irreplaceable skill set. Even better, for you, being a CFI will have you home every night.

What is it that you WANT? (And when you're done describing it, think of how many thousand others on this board with much, much, much more flight experience would ideally want the same thing.)

Perhaps just like you, I'd really love to be a bodybuilder. But I just don't want to go to the gym, and I don't want to change my diet, and I have very little experience lifting weights or working out. SO for ME, what would you suggest I do to become a bodybuilder?
My answers are in your quote

Quote: A few questions....

- how many hours per month can one expect doing jumper flights?

*depends on the size of the drop zone. You are not going to get a turbine plane with those times. I built 200hrs at a small fun jumper drop zone only flying on the weekends from June-October with many weekends being single day weekends due to weather or having something else going on.

- how much does that pay?

*182/206 normally pays $5-15 per load depending on the drop zone.

- does that involve a type rating for the aircraft being flown, or any other special training?

*Only if that plane requires one in general

Yes, I am giving serious consideration to that.

The downside is I don't like living on the road (short trips are ok, but living out of a hotel for weeks and months on end really blows). And also, the idea of spending 8 hours a day or so at 1000AGL is a bit scary given my inexperience to be honest (especially if I'm required to operate camera equipment too).

* I fly survey now... In two years I have never been at 1,000 AGL. Not that it doesn't happen, as we have had jobs at 500ft 80nm off the east coast of the United States over the Atlantic... But depending on the company and what they actually do in survey it could be any altitude, I've flown survey in a T310 in the flight levels.


Oh I am very humble and inexperienced, no argument from me there. I have often heard that it takes to around 800hrs before things start to seriously "click" in the brain and you tend to reach a higher knowledge plane around then.
Quote: Based on your hesitations about various options, I would suggest that perhaps you are not really looking for a "job" flying, but that you really appreciate it as a hobby. Go get a well-paying gig in a cubicle, like 9-to-5, and get your flying jollies in a club on the weekends.

What I really don't understand is why the CFI just isn't an option for so many. It is an irreplaceable skill set. Even better, for you, being a CFI will have you home every night.

What is it that you WANT? (And when you're done describing it, think of how many thousand others on this board with much, much, much more flight experience would ideally want the same thing.)

Perhaps just like you, I'd really love to be a bodybuilder. But I just don't want to go to the gym, and I don't want to change my diet, and I have very little experience lifting weights or working out. SO for ME, what would you suggest I do to become a bodybuilder?
Well you would be wrong. Not sure why you're being an ******* either.
Quote: Based on your hesitations about various options, I would suggest that perhaps you are not really looking for a "job" flying, but that you really appreciate it as a hobby. Go get a well-paying gig in a cubicle, like 9-to-5, and get your flying jollies in a club on the weekends.

What I really don't understand is why the CFI just isn't an option for so many. It is an irreplaceable skill set. Even better, for you, being a CFI will have you home every night.

What is it that you WANT? (And when you're done describing it, think of how many thousand others on this board with much, much, much more flight experience would ideally want the same thing.)

Perhaps just like you, I'd really love to be a bodybuilder. But I just don't want to go to the gym, and I don't want to change my diet, and I have very little experience lifting weights or working out. SO for ME, what would you suggest I do to become a bodybuilder?
I was trying to be polite and helpful but this was my exact thinking.

If your young being able to get paid to travel and live out of a suitcase is a dream for most. I would love to be flying a jet and be home every night. But I fly 135 and today was day 14 away from home and my girl. Just how it goes to gain experience in aviation.
Flying at 1000agl is definitely not low heck it's above pattern altitude.

I mean really man our generation has a hard enough time fighting the stigma of wanting everything handed to us. So do whatever you need to do to earn a better spot somewhere. Just find a weekend drop zone nearby even if it means driving a bit to fly a few hours a weekend for $10 a load to at least keep building time while making connections and gaining experience(they can also teach you to pack parachutes and can make a killing doing that). Our drop zone packer makes $1500 a weekend all cash. Or google the nearest group of glider pilots and fly their tow plane and get a cheap glider rating. Ask around your local airport for professionals like doctors or lawyers who travel with their own plane and offer to fly them(many don't have an instrument rating and you will be of value to help them fly more often). Aviation is my life's passion and it's hard enough flying with guys who just make it a job and are needy about everything. Not trying to be a d*** it's just frustrating.
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