PS Grievance

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UAL MEC Grievance Committee Reports UPA Section 3-L Grievance System Board Victory

The MEC Grievance Committee is proud to announce that after an extensive four year grievance process, neutral arbitrator Richard Bloch has ruled in the Association’s favor in the Section 3-L Profit Sharing group grievance filed in March 2012. This award provides for a correction to the profit sharing allocation for eligible pilots who received a 2011 profit sharing payment (paid in Feb 2012) in accordance with the United Contract 2003.

It is important to note that, per UPA Section 3-H-4, the arbitrator’s approximately $32M award will not dilute the pilot profit sharing compensation slated for 2016.

Per the award, only eligible pilots who received United Contract 2003 profit sharing for 2011 (paid in Feb 2012) will receive a correction payment. The exact amount due will be finalized between the Association and the Company in the very near future, and individual payment amounts will be calculated for eligible pilots.

This award highlights the outstanding work of our MEC Grievance Committee. Their continued effort over a long period of time has brought this record setting award.

Further information will be released as it becomes available. Please standby for the final award calculations.

And it just keeps getting better......
would this award be for pre or post merger pilots?
Quote: would this award be for pre or post merger pilots?
Any s-UAL pilot who worked in 2011.
This is the award for s-UAL pilots whom Jeff used a method of allocation of PS which was in violation of the s-UAL PA at the time of the merger. It is not an award base on the 767 agreement made between Jeff and the s-CAL pilots. That grievance was also won by the s-UAL pilots, however the only recourse was to pay-back the improperly paid bonus it was agreed to not do so.

Only a-UAL pilots who participated in the grievance PS will receive an award, that is unless we have another "stove pipe" situation.
Check should be available 11-18-16
Quote: Check should be available 11-18-16
And approximately 89% of your 2012 PS check from Feb
Quote: are you suggesting that some s-ual pilots that earned money in 2011 will not have their rightful profit sharing returned to them because they "did not participate (huh?) in the greivance PS"?
If you were an s-UAL pilot on the property in 2011 you were a participant.
Quote: And approximately 89% of your 2012 PS check from Feb
Righteous bucks! Nice little 5K bonus for a 767 FO.
The PS grievance checks are in your pay advice. Dated the 18th. Enjoy.
Congrats. Don't spend it all in one wife.
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