Junior 500 age at DOH

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Quote: We had a guy come speak to our squadron. He talked about this. It was one mans opinion, but one that consults almost every major corporation about safety, automation, and “how to be like airlines in terms of safety margins”. It was a 2 hour presentation so I couldn’t possibly do him justice.

Essentially, he said what airlines do is statistically impossible. Until 2018, there hadn’t been 1 death on a US Carrier since 2009. That’s billions of people and 0 deaths.

We accept car fatalities... like 40,000 a year as normal. In aviation, we do not. Every little thing is scrutinized and blown up in media.

In essence, he says, that’s where the problem in automated cars vs planes arises. The car companies just have to be safer than 40,000 a year (which they are apparently but nowhere near perfection), but the planes have to match our current track record which almost is perfect. It’s not that it can’t be done, it’s just that it has to be done better than we do now, or equal to it and that isn’t here yet my a long shot. And as he says... there lies the problem.

He also had a point about legal ramifications... so far not one automated crash has gone to court. Every time it’s settled. Pandora’s Box will be open on the first court case where “blame” gets assigned and $ gets paid out.

Anyway... really who knows. I think the technology is there, but that podcast is just like the guy i heard, just another persons’ opinion. I’m not worried about tomorrow or next year, but I’m not laying any bets either way on 10-20 years from now.

I’ll just continue to enjoy the career, save $, and if it happens, hopefully/most likely be in a position to walk away and enjoy retirement instead of scrambling for “what now”
That's a really good point. On a commercial scale they must be near perfect.

On a smaller, GA type or 135 scale, accidents are fairly frequent. I can see smaller C208 aircraft being integrated into the NAS flying FedEx feed at first.
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