Question about airline apps and history

I'm not sure where to put this but I've been filling out my airline apps and have come to a dilemma. I am currently at a regional and looking to move on. Over ten years ago I was convicted of a DUI and had my license suspended for 3 months, however, the conviction was later dismissed. The DUI and suspension does not show up on any background checks of any kind. My question is, how do I answer the DUI questions on airline apps? It was dismissed like it never occurred so does it count as a conviction? I don't want to lie but I also want my best shot at a job. Will checking "yes" automatically throw me out of the pool? Is there a way to explain this via the website? I did disclose it to my current airline. I appreciate any input.
Put it on the app. Plan as if they will find out. Integrity is a big deal.
Quote: I'm not sure where to put this but I've been filling out my airline apps and have come to a dilemma. I am currently at a regional and looking to move on. Over ten years ago I was convicted of a DUI and had my license suspended for 3 months, however, the conviction was later dismissed. The DUI and suspension does not show up on any background checks of any kind. My question is, how do I answer the DUI questions on airline apps? It was dismissed like it never occurred so does it count as a conviction? I don't want to lie but I also want my best shot at a job. Will checking "yes" automatically throw me out of the pool? Is there a way to explain this via the website? I did disclose it to my current airline. I appreciate any input.
There are plenty of folks with DUI convictions outside of 5 years old that are at the majors. List it and explain the adjudication. Don’t pretend like it never happened.
“Have you ever been convicted of:
Driving while intoxicated?”

It’s that simple. That’s the question. Yes or no. If you want to roll the dice and put “no” and stake all of your integrity on that lie in hopes they don’t find out, well, good luck. You’ll be thrown out of class, and then have to explain why you quit a job during ground school effectively ruining your career. Risk vs reward.

Many pilots have been hired with a DUI conviction, especially a conviction in the distant (decade plus) past, who have since had clean records. Will it hurt you? Absolutely. You got a DUI. No way around it, sucks. But I’d say 99.9% of folks here will tell you to own it and be a better all around applicant because of it.
What you are hinting about doing is high risk/low reward. A ten year old DUI Y hat was adjudicated away is unlikely to be a show-stopper. But if what you are thinking about doing is discovered, you can kiss off ever getting to a major.
The question is "have you ever".

Not "do you think we'll be able to find out".

If you get caught after you start ground school, your career is toast. And you're unemployed toast (unless your regional has some sort of snap-back provision for folks who flunk out of majors).

That's the risk, would you rather be senior and stuck at a regional, or fired by a major (PRIA reportable)... and starting all over again at a regional?

It's possible that depending on specific state law (airline HQ state, and possibly your residence state), that you might be protected because the conviction was dismissed. But you'd have to do a lot of research, and you would probably have to sue them after you got fired. Good Times.
Quote: I'm not sure where to put this but I've been filling out my airline apps and have come to a dilemma. I am currently at a regional and looking to move on. Over ten years ago I was convicted of a DUI and had my license suspended for 3 months, however, the conviction was later dismissed. The DUI and suspension does not show up on any background checks of any kind. My question is, how do I answer the DUI questions on airline apps? It was dismissed like it never occurred so does it count as a conviction? I don't want to lie but I also want my best shot at a job. Will checking "yes" automatically throw me out of the pool? Is there a way to explain this via the website? I did disclose it to my current airline. I appreciate any input.
The question states “Have you ever” not “Is anything on your record?” Something that happened over 10 years ago is no indication of who you are today. Change your answer to YES and give a brief explanation of what happened. We all make mistakes, it is what you do after the mistake that matters the most.
How exactly are you filling out your medical?

“History of (1) any conviction(s) involving driving while intoxicated by, while impaired by, or while under the influence of alcohol or a drug; or (2) history of any conviction(s) or administrative action(s) involving an offense(s) which resulted in the denial, suspension, cancellation, or revocation of driving privileges or which resulted in attendance
at an educational or a rehabilitation program.”