Compass Updates III: Last Double Wave

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Quote: First time I saw this one I could not stop laughing. Laughing hysterically to the point where I couldn’t talk.

Couldn’t even utter out the yoke clip message to my captain, had to pass it over to him after attempting to break down the sentence multiple tries.

Pretty sure I had tears rolling out of my eyes.

That and the time where a captain told me “MW 2!” Instead of start 2.
I simplified it further and would always tell my FO's "MW" when it was time to start 2. Should the CVR ever get pulled, that would have been my parting shot from the grave.
Quote: How? Simply do it! I've been explaining to some captains I've flown with now that I've moved on what the double wave is, and what it meant. None of them have complained when I've done it and the fun ones will even chuckle when they see it and hear about it.

The best is when you have all 4 hands going passing another CPZ jet. I was looking forward to getting a trip out west and double waving from the yellow party bus at a CPZ crew. Sadly I will never get that opportunity.

Despite my sadness I'm still going to post this.
Sorry to hear Compass is closing the doors. Once this Coronavirusis event is over it will get better for everyone. Hopefully you all will move on to bigger and better. It may be tough looking at the short term but enjoy time with your families and look forward to a better future.
A good word from Bernie :

Ok I'm bored at home, so what!

Quote: Ok I'm bored at home, so what!
Keep me coming. Thanks for all the memes, BLS.
The new hire FA who just left a retail job to join compass

No offense to the FAs out there, but for some of you this is just true lol
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