SY First Prime Air Bird

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Quote: were they doing both freight and scheduled pax service at the same time in their own name, or branded flying like Prime? Have we ever had companies flying the brand of an airline that doesn’t even exist with a 121 certificate? I suppose the American Eagle brand or United/Delta Express is branded flying in a name that isn’t actually an airline, but those are plays on words for the mainline carrier they contract with. There is no Prime Air airline.... yet....

Amazon is building all the infrastructure to run an airline without actually doing it.... yet they are exercising more than enough operational control that a single carrier petition could just be lurking over the horizon.... same paint (branding of an airline that doesn’t even exist) same uniforms in some cases, directing the routes and schedules. They’re doing it all but running the plane and crew.
Why would anyone file a single carrier petition? DHL has many many companies moving their freight. Been that way for quite a while now.
Quote: Why would anyone file a single carrier petition? DHL has many many companies moving their freight. Been that way for quite a while now.
Yes, why would anyone ever want all the pilots on one labor contract.... who’d ever want that.
Quote: How is that any different from what FedEx does with MAC, Empire and all the other FedEx feeders?
Well, for starters, FedEx has a 121 certificate, Amazon doesn't....
Quote: for all intensive purposes sure looks like a single transportation system.

Quote: Filler....................filler
yep, butter fingered it and auto-correct went haywire. Missed in proof read too, sorry. It was a long post.
Thanks for the catch.
Looks like Amazon love the production out the SC pilots, rumored to to get 2 more freighters on top of the 10. This should indicate the pilots will keep their jobs after October 1
Quote: Looks like Amazon love the production out the SC pilots, rumored to to get 2 more freighters on top of the 10. This should indicate the pilots will keep their jobs after October 1
12 planes is not going to keep 380 pilots employed. Sure the charter stuff is there and I doubt the pax side would shut down completely , I still think there will be some kind of furlough.
Quote: the other feeders aren’t flying the same fleet types. Further, Fedex does operate its own airline under its own 121 certificate.

amazon is essentially having operational control of The Who goes where and when without being an airline, without holding a 121 certificate. It’s a business model that really hasn’t existed. Flying a brand that not only isn’t an airline, but isn’t a feeder for one that is.
Not true Burlington Air Express didnt have a 121 Certificate until the late 90s and used multiple carriers ( more than Amazon and DHL combined). It wasnt until the late 90s when I think they bought ATI.
Quote: Not true Burlington Air Express didnt have a 121 Certificate until the late 90s and used multiple carriers ( more than Amazon and DHL combined). It wasnt until the late 90s when I think they bought ATI.
The model Larry Rodberg created after the CAB (for our youngins, the CAB was the predecessor to the FAA) allowed railroads and shippers to own their own airplanes lead to the creation of Burlington Northern Air freight.

BAX had a fleet that was operated by ATI back when ATI and BAX were both still owned by Brinks. US Cargo and others did some contract work as well.

The pilot labor unions need to fight to get the RLA modernized commensurate with modern business practices. The RLA exists to preserve the status quo. There is no status quo when the employer can say take these concessions, or your flying goes to the other guy. When the RLA was written, you could not go to PanAm pilots and say take these concession or we give your flying to TWA. Unfortunately, it's very easy for them to tell an ABX pilot to take concessions, or ATI gets your flying. Or, in your case.... Amazon to Sun Country to take the contract for 3% less at renewal or we will give the flying to Southern or Mesa.
The problem in our industry is the RLA itself.
Quote: 12 planes is not going to keep 380 pilots employed. Sure the charter stuff is there and I doubt the pax side would shut down completely , I still think there will be some kind of furlough.
So far no furlough announced.
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