Finally a vax "mandate"

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Quote: so you disagree with “my body my choice” ?
This! It seems this is one more tyrannical thing Beijing Xiden is doing.
China knows this will absolutely tear the west to pieces. They’re waiting on the other side of what will happen after this.
Quote: China knows this will absolutely tear the west to pieces. They’re waiting on the other side of what will happen after this.
You're going to be so disappointed when it's nothing.
Quote: You're going to be so disappointed when it's nothing.
Why would I be disappointed?
Quote: IMHO, I'm kind of bittersweet about this.
I'm all about personal freedoms and all that jazz, but I've read a little into this and it seems that the unvaccinated population is causing variants to pop up and spread much easier. Some of these variants are becoming more and more vaccine resistant.. which, is concerning to say the least. (Mu is partially vaccine resistant)
So what? The people who have not chosen to get the jab would likely rather risk getting COVID than get the experimental jab, so this mandate is to protect themselves from themselves?

if the vaccine works then why do you care what anyone else does or does not do?
Quote: So what? The people who have not chosen to get the jab would likely rather risk getting COVID than get the experimental jab, so this mandate is to protect themselves from themselves?

if the vaccine works then why do you care what anyone else does or does not do?
You misread what I wrote. I said that some variants popping up are partially vaccine resistant, which would also affect the vaccinated population.
If this is true, this little part is going to spin some airline employees through the roof:

“Biden is also signing an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government — with no option to test out. That covers several million more workers.”

Since we haul the mail and are eligible for CRAF missions, it sounds like airline employees will not have the testing option.
Quote: This is beyond fascism.

The military needs to remove him.
Because a coup wouldn't at all be characterized as fascist.
Quote: So what? The people who have not chosen to get the jab would likely rather risk getting COVID than get the experimental jab, so this mandate is to protect themselves from themselves?

if the vaccine works then why do you care what anyone else does or does not do?
If you look at Israel or any other highly vaccinated country, it doesn’t seem like the vaccine works at all. Maybe for a month or 2, but that’s about it. Hence why there has never been a vaccine for a coronavirus. They mutate...alot, much more than influenza. Science.
Quote: It would save us from a fascist. Similar to what the Turkish military tried to do but failed.
Any other stupid ideas?
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