Minority Opinion is out

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Quote: Don't forget that Edgar was part of the unanimous crowd in all the other votes. This time, it hits him, and his SFS guys, right squarely in the wallet.
His no vote against the tide was welcome but...his motivation was self serving........and it should have been.

Absolutely WRONG.

Evidently, Edgar was the ONLY one on the MEC thinking of the other 4800 pilots. It was the other 11 guys who's vote was self serving, by trying to shove this **** sandwich down our throats.

Edgar was smart enough to realize:

*This will effect far more than "80 guys" (Definite future FDA growth)
*STD is a HUGE give-back to the company, which apparently has become too cheap for SIBA, with nothing gained in return.
*Everyone at FedEX, not just single guys willing to share a studio apartment, and empty nesters with money to blow, should have the opportunity to bid an FDA. FedEX claims to be "a family oriented company..."
*Line pilots, not just Chief Pilots and accountants are entitled to a decent Ex-pat package

Edgar was the only one smart enough, and decent enough, to think of the rest of the pilot group when he voted. The other 11 could really learn a lesson from him and should feel ashamed, and embarrassed, of themselves. It amazes me that they have the guts to look other pilots in the face.
I finally feel that someone in the union speaks for me!

Let's make Edgar the MEC pres and Gary NC chairman.

Send a message to the union and company: Vote NO and don't bid it!

Quote: EI has always been a no BS guy. He was the same way at ASA as the grievance chairman.

The other 11 are getting the deal for you not them. EI is fighting for his group and himself. Like I've said all along I'm with EI....NO!

EI, EI, ...NO!

....sorry, we return to your regularly scheduled program
Definitely a NO vote here!
This geezer votes no.
If we were divided on the age 60 rule on this and other forums (fora?) then this is the thing that could once again unite the membership. I just don't understand the MEC's agreement to this obviously inadequate package. And for BC to be so defesvie about it is very unprofessional and hints at a guilty conscience.This package is truly a step back.
[quote=skypine27;196935]Absolutely WRONG.

Evidently, Edgar was the ONLY one on the MEC thinking of the other 4800 pilots. It was the other 11 guys who's vote was self serving, by trying to shove this **** sandwich down our throats.]

Look, I'm not bashing Edgar here. I'm simply pointing out to the folks who are calling for Edgar to be the next MEC Chairman that he voted no because it was in the best interest of himself and the rest of the SFS guys who wish to stay over in asia. And rightfully so, Edgar represents the SFS domicile and not all 4800 pilots. I suspect that had he voted yes, his reception back in the P.I. would have been less than cordial. I also suspect that had this LOA concerned only a 757 CDG base, Edgar would have been more inclined to go along with the union 'experts" who had visited the place and gave their report to the MEC. Kinda like he did on the Age 60 and retroactivity votes. Finally, RT says Edgar is a squared away guy and thats good enough for me. RTs never wrong (unless he's talking politics, then, he's always wrong or......if he opens his mouth at home, then he's not only wrong, he's a moron!)
It is great that we are all voting this down but contrary to popular belief APC is not where everyone gets information. I know, I am shocked as well but in the last few days alone I have talked with many crewmembers who still believe who knows what and are planning on voting for this for a myriad of reasons.

We must continue to educate those we fly with and do so respectfully. Also, we need to get the information out in as many different venues as possible and this is how we can defeat this. A message is not 52%, it is 80% plus.

On a final note, help the ALPA board get some teeth because it is at least one more way to get information out and you don't have to post like you do here but, at least until we defeat this, put in a post or two.

Nada, No, Negatory, Not Gonna Do It, You Got To Be Kidding Me, 100% NO!
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