Passport for Jumpseating?

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I do a fair amount of JSing, and I've only been asked for my passport once in the past 15 months.
I keep my passport in the chest pocket of the uniform shirt I'm wearing, and I keep my license and medical inside my passport. That way, all three are available if the gate agent or CA want to take a look at any or all.
On another note, I would have expected a thread like this to be shut down for giving away security information online.
Quote: "You must have a passport and you must have it on your person."
Sounded like an all or nothing statement to me.
What you want a two page answer? CAL requires it. Tell it to the gate agents who check them and cross reference the numbers and don't let you on if there's something that doesn't match. Go ahead and travel without yours then.
Quote: What you want a two page answer? CAL requires it. Tell it to the gate agents who check them and cross reference the numbers and don't let you on if there's something that doesn't match. Go ahead and travel without yours then.
Whatever duck, I forgot you're a seasoned airline pilot now.
Quote: Whatever duck, I forgot you're a season airline pilot now.
I just don't see your reason for piping up at all. Be sarcastic all you want. It's obvious they don't always ask for it but as far as the system is concerned your passport is required. There's a reason why your passport number is listed in it. There's a reason why agents ask for it. Whether working 1 day or 20 years doesn't change anything. Week jab. Nice. Like I said you can travel without it all you want but that one time you're left at the gate throwing a fit you'll wish you had it. Someone here said 80% of the time they don't ask. So 1 out of every five times he'd be stopped if he didn't have. Another says how much he's had to use it. I've said how CAL requires it. Apparently SWA does too. If a gate agent doesn't do their job and doesn't ask then big deal. They still want them on your possession and up to date. Take your argument to them then. I'm just passing the info to a guy who's asked. I'm glad you took a flight on SWA the other day and they didn't ask. I really am. I forgot you're a seasoned pilot too and therefor because something hasn't happened to you must mean others don't require it! So yes it was an all or nothing statement I guess. A passport is required. Maybe notg on them all I don't know. But some do. Just because you aren't always asked doesn't mean anything. How often do you get a JS and you actually keep his paperwork and everything else instead of just "filing it" in the trashcan? On another note it isn't giving away security information. No more than saying a pilots license is required to fly.
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