What is a Slam Clicker?

I'm still new and I keep hearing this phrase "Slam clicker". Like "I refuse to spend 8 hours in the cockpit with a slam clicker" or "I had a slam clicker layover." What does slam clicker mean, anyone know?
It means a crewmember gets to the layover hotel, closes their door...locks it...and the next time you see them is for the scheduled van back to the airport. Its usually in a negative context but sometimes you can actually be thankful for it. As in your sick of the person.
Slams the door, then clicks the lock. Usually not the most social people, so that is where the negative aspect of the phrase comes from. Sometimes you might be with somebody who is trying to save money or studying for an upcoming check ride so it isn't always bad.
And other times, the most genius people you've ever met.

Just depends.
Just depends
Indeed. It's all relative. He might just be sick of you.

No offense (to the innocent) intended.
Thanks everyone, now the phrase makes sense to me thanks!