It's time to bring back the ASA furloughees!

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Quote: Where would the 900s be coming from?
Probably take them from Comair. Why not, they take everything else?
Is "Call Me First" Really Worth It?
Quote: ....I was used on every day of availability this month except for one. I'm not even call me first and I made guarantee. My block hours were low but I was flying everyday......
If March is any indicator of months to come, I don't really see how being 'Call Me First' would make a difference on anyones schedule. Several other reserve folks I spoke with had similar schedules in March, including myself. I also worked all but one available day and credited over 90 hours.
Only now it has become apparent? WOW....I think we are understaffed at every airline but they are just refusing to hire more pilots. When you have to send out memos askign pilots and FA's not to call out sick you know something is wrong. So far I hear alot of regionals are doing that but yet not hiring. Must be the recession.
What is causing the performance numbers to drop? Other then the 60 planes that had to get reinspected what else is leading to completion factor drops? Is it due to not having enough guys on reserve to cover min days? Worried that if this keeps up ASA loses lines, we won't get recalled and/or worst ASA loses DL and a ton of ppl get furloughed.
Quote: What is causing the performance numbers to drop? Other then the 60 planes that had to get reinspected what else is leading to completion factor drops? Is it due to not having enough guys on reserve to cover min days? Worried that if this keeps up ASA loses lines, we won't get recalled and/or worst ASA loses DL and a ton of ppl get furloughed.
In March, we had a big problem with ATL rampers hitting our aircraft. Had to cancel several flights early in the month to deal with that. Delta may try, but there's no way they can hold that against us. Scheduling isn't canceling any more than usual due to the artificial low coverage. I still don't think we should have furloughed, but we won't be short staffed unless the lines are all built at 90+ hours and all of the reserves are doing the same. Right now, the lines are averaging less than 80 hours, so we've got a ways to go.
Thanks, I wasn't trying to point fingers at ASA just wondering why the numbers are so low. So all in all CRAPPY month for the A/C's and then the 60 inspections make the stick that much more brown.
They do not want to hire because they do not know if this is the end of the down turn. If we clearly are in a recovery hiring will happen in good fashion.
Quote: If March is any indicator of months to come, I don't really see how being 'Call Me First' would make a difference on anyones schedule. Several other reserve folks I spoke with had similar schedules in March, including myself. I also worked all but one available day and credited over 90 hours.
The 700 reserve people aren't flying nearly as much. I think you guys on the 200 have flown alot because of all the 200 lineholders that got pulled off for 700/900 training and you guys had to backfill that flying. Probably be back to normal next month.
[quote=DublinFlyer;588001]We have the same problem at Mesa.....quote]

ha yall have more problems then that.
Quote: Probably take them from Comair. Why not, they take everything else?
Sad, but true.
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