New commuting rules coming.

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Quote: You gotta understand human nature....people are in control in their own car or on their own roof or ladder.

Nothing freaks out the typical SUV-driving, bluetooth wearing, type A american more than being a helpless animal locked in an aluminum tube where all his usual bluster and attitude makes no difference at all as to the final outcome.

Plus the smoking wreckage makes for great media footage. Car crashes are only newsworthy if the vehicle contains at least 8 high school kids or illegal immigrants.
Not when the on coming lane has some guy 3 sheets to the wind, or some driver who decides it's nap time and plows head on into the oncoming car.....even when the innocent bystanding driver is in "their own" car, "they" are never fully in total control either.

I hear what your saying....but it still does not hold water when you look at it. This could be the topic that breaks the collective pilot groups back and ticks the herd off to put a foot down as a "group" on this deal.
Quote: Correct "rest" issues and solve the housing problem all in one law? BRILLIANT!

stupid stupid stupid politicians. learn just enough about something to sound like you know what you're talking about to joe public and put some rediculous band-aid on a perceived problem that doesn't actually do a thing to correct the situation while screwing over thousands of people.

I have always said, if you want to make the politicians understand, make them live it. For example, if you want the health care crisis taken care of, make congress pay for their own health care. (they have the best care in the world -free)There would be a free health care law the next week. For the social security crisis, take away their retirements. SS would be over funded in 2 days. If they want to take away commuting from us, make the congressmen (and women) have to move to Washington, and uproot their families etc. Of course they woudn't go for it, but they are always willing for us to sacrifice instead of them. BTW, they are some of the biggest users of corporate aviation around, even as they blast others for it.
Welcome to socialist America. This is just another play to more government control of everything american. They have taken over the auto industry, and now we are seeing the Transportation industry is next....Welcome Aboard..
I don't see any airline providing anything to pilots if commuting rules come into play.

Ultimately, I think it's reasonable for an airline to expect you to live where you work. Every other job in America already does, why should pilots be different?

I'm a long distance commuter, and any rule changes would SUCK. But I personally don't think the airlines OWE me the privilege of being able to commute to work (my choice, ultimately).

Just my asinine opinion though. Here's to hoping a Federal Agency doesn't step in to "fix" this situation.
Quote: I don't see any airline providing anything to pilots if commuting rules come into play.

Ultimately, I think it's reasonable for an airline to expect you to live where you work. Every other job in America already does, why should pilots be different?

I'm a long distance commuter, and any rule changes would SUCK. But I personally don't think the airlines OWE me the privilege of being able to commute to work (my choice, ultimately).

Just my asinine opinion though. Here's to hoping a Federal Agency doesn't step in to "fix" this situation.
I agree with you, your opinion is asinine
Ultimately, I think it's reasonable for an airline to expect you to live where you work. Every other job in America already does, why should pilots be different?
If that was true we'd have no business class!? My point is as a "collective" group, we should be outraged at the smoke and mirrors the media sets up to entice the gov't agencies to even question our safety (due to fatigue) record when they could better spend time and energy trying to fix industries that would actually save lives. Like enforcing driving as a "privilege" not a "right!? Pilots have been commuting for years, we're not "typically" having a problem with safety because of it!
Quote: I don't see any airline providing anything to pilots if commuting rules come into play.

Ultimately, I think it's reasonable for an airline to expect you to live where you work. Every other job in America already does, why should pilots be different?

I'm a long distance commuter, and any rule changes would SUCK. But I personally don't think the airlines OWE me the privilege of being able to commute to work (my choice, ultimately).

Just my asinine opinion though. Here's to hoping a Federal Agency doesn't step in to "fix" this situation.
Every other job in America does not mandate that you live where you work; they just require you to show up to work when you are supposed to. It is unconstitutional to draft a law requiring a person to live at a certain location. This is not old Russia.
Live Free of Die
Quote: I agree with you, your opinion is asinine
Heh. Well, glad we can agree on something.

I'M NOT SAYING I'M HAPPY WITH THIS. I'm just saying that pilots were once expected to live in base; those days may be coming again. (Thank you, Colgan)

I've spoken to some senior Delta pilot types, and apparently "back in the day" Delta was pretty clear when they hired you that they expected you to live in base. This was, as I understand it, part of the reason why jumpseats were so hard to come by on DAL for decades.

If there's no contractual language to compensate you (via homebasing, more $$ for expensive domiciles, etc.) post-commuter rule change, then I don't know why you'd expect anything.

It will have to be negotiated post-rule change. I leave it to you to speculate how hard your union will fight for your right to commute/live in an expensive, junior, undesirable base that is staffed by a proportionally small part of the pilot group.
What’s next?
Pilots have to live at base
Pilots must be forced to sleep for 8 hours prior to any flight
Pilots are not allowed any alcohol 24 hours prior to any flight
Pilots are not allowed any medication 24 hours prior to any flight
Pilots have to maintain a healthy low carb low fat diet
Pilots have to work out at least 5 days per week
Pilots have to be a certain height, weight, and race.
Quote: If that was true we'd have no business class!? My point is as a "collective" group, we should be outraged at the smoke and mirrors the media sets up to entice the gov't agencies to even question our safety (due to fatigue) record when they could better spend time and energy trying to fix industries that would actually save lives. Like enforcing driving as a "privilege" not a "right!? Pilots have been commuting for years, we're not "typically" having a problem with safety because of it!

Amen to that. I couldn't agree more. When the FAA gets involved with rules changes, get very, very nervous.

Unintended consequences could occur.
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