AA, AE merger

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I have been hearing some back ground chatter from eclectic sources that an AA, AE merger is in the works. There are a lot of things going on that could be behind it. Any Eagle guys out there here anything about this?
Yea, this was the hot rumor that started it:


New AMR rumours!

Categories: American Airlines, American Eagle

Though most of what I'm posting is at this point rumor and has been burning the phone lines all weekend in Chicago ... sources that wish to stay nameless will only confirm that there will major changes coming to AA & AE and a major announcement by the end of the month. For AE there was a legal deadline coming up on 18 January in regards to grievances and court cases in connection to pilot issues. It's to confusing here to explain it all. However, prior to the deadline AMR came to the unions with ways to clear the books and set the stage for the future for both AA & AE. Piece things together from all the different sources and you will get a clear picture that AA is looking to create extraordinary changes.

• AA (ALPA) & AE (APA) are close to agreeing and signing (if they have not already done so) to combine both the AE pilots seniority list with the AA pilots seniority list. Creating 1 single seniority list for the pilots between both divisions of AMR. • This agreement would allow AE pilots to cross over into the AA operation when opening occur, while AA pilots could cross over to the AE system in the same manner. Which ever pilot crosses over to the other side would retain company seniority, but enter the other side on the junior scale. But, the restriction to crossing between AA & AE would be gone. • This agreement would remove the past restrictions on the size and "scope" of what aircraft AE operations.

Now hold on your knickers and you'll see why the buzz about blew Chicago apart today.

• AA signs a letter of intent with Bombardier for a large AE order for the new 130 seat CRJ. With the removal of the scope clause it releases AE to fly any aircraft. • AE will have a major expansion as we take over a huge amount of AA domestic flying, while AA decreases their domestic flying. AA will need less F/A's. • AA goes to cross utilization for the F/A's and one reserve pool instead of it's current domestic & international operations. AA would need less F/A's, but AE would need massive numbers. Info is that AA would need between 900-1000 less F/A's, but that AE would need nearly as many to build up their numbers. • AE changing from our current system of attendance to match AA's attendance program, for missed assignments, late calls, sick days, etc. • AA & AE will follow up with the single seniority list for the pilots with 1 single seniority list for the F/A's. • AMR has over 2.5 billion in cash to adds to it's already high cash war chest.

Now, I don't need to tell any of you what this would mean. It means a total and complete alternation the to AA as we know it. The pilots scope clause has always held AMR in check to what they can turn over to AE. But, in settling the outstanding grievances, law suits and removing the scope clause it opens the barn door wide open to what can be changed. Would the future be as Bob Crandall envisioned 25 years ago in that AA would fly international, coast to coast and other select flights while AE took over all of the domestic flying? A combined seniority list for pilots and F/A's would allow the corporation to move people from one side to the other freely.

As I've said most of this had popped up in the last few days as rumor. This all came started when AA went to their separate divisions and said "We've got a deal for you if you agree to one seniority list between AA & AE." Everything else has been in the final stages ever since and pretty good sources will not deny any of what Iv listed other than to say "Look for big announcements and changes by the end of the month."

Maybe I'm only passing on rumor that has kept Chicago tongue tied all weekend, but ... start looking at the way AA is moving. Look at the papers they have filed in Washington, look at their cash on hand, look at the new open skies agreement between the US & Japan, look at the fight between AA / OneWorld and Delta over which way Japan Airlines will move.

Could it all be a move in the game with AA and the unions to force the unions to reduce cost? Yes. But, we all know where money is concerned AMR will do whatever it needs. The one thing that won't change is that the grievances and legal cases between the pilots at AMR and each division are on a fast track to resolution.

I know that anyone in Chicago this past weekend has seen more screaming and yelling on the AA side than we've ever seen. They went ballistic when some of this new was leaked.

"Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!"
Seems a bit unrealistic personally, even though I wish AA/AE could work something out. Im guessing this juicy one came from an AA flight attendant who had a 3hr sit in DFW.
Lots of talk about this, if you look a couple of weeks ago in the Regional section a thread was started and promptly closed after it got quite a bit of flame... Dont believe anything you hear, obviously AMR is quite devious and will try anything to get you guys to sign a contract. How long has a rumor been going around like this, I'd say since the early eighties when eagle was first thought up...
my snowman melted - it had greater longevity than this rumor. now if it had danced around a bit I might have given the rumor some creedence.
I agree that anything that comes from an FA is tenuous at best but this latest one came from a check airman. Who knows? He's probably married to the flight attendant that started the whole rumor in the first place. In any case. The end of January came and went..AA loves to divide and conquer so something like this would be about as interesting to them as cutting their own bonuses.
Where there is smoke, there is fire!!!
Quote: AMR is quite devious and will try anything to get you guys to sign a contract.
Devious yes. However, they seem quite happy with stalling, delaying, obfuscating, and slow-rolling the current epic negotiations. IMHO, Arpey thinks he can get at least another 2 years of foot-dragging out of the present mediator.

The problems with integrating AE into AA go WAY beyond just the pilots. Just the pilot issues alone are intractable and contentious in the extreme, especially with 2000 AA pilots on the street with 175 more being kicked to the curb after quitting other jobs and returning to AA just a year ago. What management really wants is to dumb-down AA labor contracts towards AE style compensation. They know that's a non-starter and a strike issue with the APA. The rumors being floated are all trial balloons meant to lower expectations in the ongoing labor talks.

Nothing new here. Move on. Straight out of Flying the Line.
Quote: Where there is smoke, there is fire!!!
don't tell the FAA amr is getting hit with record fines already.
You can integrate the pilot lists and leave other parts of the company out of it. Republic is a good example of pilots across multiple certificates.
Won't happen. AMR is all about divide and conquer. Ever since AA agreed to allow Eagle to live and 'feed' AA, mgmt has pitted the 2 groups against each other.............they will always want to do this. It's called leverage.
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