Southwest flight attendant takes baby

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Quote: Had this been my child I would have hired a VERY good lawyer and sued the airline AND the F/A who did this bigtime. I would also try to get the F/A arrested for kidnapping.

Once again it seems the second you step on an aircraft, all your civil rights seem to be left at the airport. Tell me what right a F/A has to take MY child away from me. Does she know the medical history of my child? I hope the airline pays out big for this and it NEVER happenes again. I probably would have been arrested for assault if ANYONE on an airplane tried to take away my child.
I don't know, maybe it was the fact that the mother slapped a 2 year old? Abuse a woman or abuse a child in front of me and I guarantee you will be confronted.

Step on a airplane and you do give up your right to be an ***hole. You are now required to obey the Code of Federal Regulations and you are subject to the authority of the captain of the flight.
Zoot, really?!! IF you are a parent, and I mean IF.... you would completely comprehend it would be a cold day in he!! that any sane parent would "allow" someone to just reach in and take away one of their kids. Never happening, EVER! Ten to one that woman knew she was out of line and recognized she needed help for a moment or 20 to compose herself. Thus, giving permission to have some assistance. Plus, there was another parent of that kiddo involved... If this "kidnapping" was so egregious, where was he in all the ruckus? See, I'm one of those parents who does believe that spanking on the bottom has a function... I however do not condone slapping or hitting a child in any other locale. Discipline Vs. hitting because you are frustrated are two totally different things. I wonder how you would react to me beating my golden retriever in the dog park? Would that be ok too?
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