No seniority dicussion until single status

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Quote: I was first a captain at the 6 year point, in 1992. Should we look at that? No, you wanted to look at where everyone was in 2005(even though he used a 2007 list), so we are using two lists now and by YOUR logic, we don't look at circumstances, just where we are.

What was that about Karma?
Again we merged in 2005 not 2001,1992,1933 or whatever date you usapianos think gives u the highest advantage. Karma hasn't arrived yet otherwise you should all have been on the street.
Quote: Again we merged in 2005 not 2001,1992,1933 or whatever date you usapianos think gives u the highest advantage. Karma hasn't arrived yet otherwise you should all have been on the street.
We never merged our seniority lists and we agreed to amend the TA with the MOU so that we would only do it in the MB process.

Who cares when you were a captain? Isn't that what you guys told me when I said that I'd been a F-28, F-100, 737-200 and A320 captain? That the past didn't matter, only what you hold today. What seat are you in today cacti because we didn't merge with AA back in 2005 you know. You aren't changing your tune, are you? Integrity in action. Again.
Quote: We never merged our seniority lists and we agreed to amend the TA with the MOU so that we would only do it in the MB process.
And that is exactly what is happening, so what's the problem? (Short of west winning appeal)
Who cares when you were a captain? Isn't that what you guys told me when I said that I'd been a F-28, F-100, 737-200 and A320 captain? That the past didn't matter, only what you hold today. What seat are you in today cacti because we didn't merge with AA back in 2005 you know. You aren't changing your tune, are you? Integrity in action. Again.
Because our east/west list was derived from our 2005 merger by a neutral arbitrator, that's why.
Quote: And that is exactly what is happening, so what's the problem? (Short of west winning appeal)

Because our east/west list was derived from our 2005 merger by a neutral arbitrator, that's why.
That was never implemented and abandoned(YOUR psuedo unions words, not mine) by the MOU. You guys voted for the MOU thinking you could claim that it completed the TA, despite the actually wording. You shouldn't have voted for the MOU.
Quote: That was never implemented and abandoned(YOUR psuedo unions words, not mine) by the MOU. You guys voted for the MOU thinking you could claim that it completed the TA, despite the actually wording. You shouldn't have voted for the MOU.
I have read and reread the MOU so can you please show me the part and or section where it states that west pilot by signing this document agree to abandon our rights via the nic award? I cant find it anywhere so maybe you can show me.

Quote: I have read and reread the MOU so can you please show me the part and or section where it states that west pilot by signing this document agree to abandon our rights via the nic award? I cant find it anywhere so maybe you can show me.

I've shown your over and over again. I guess the "we're too stupid to read" claim of AOL was right for some of you.

If it didn't, why was your complain framed that way? If it didn't why was there a suit filed to begin with.

Take those nic glasses off, it will become clear.
Quote: I've shown your over and over again. I guess the "we're too stupid to read" claim of AOL was right for some of you.

If it didn't, why was your complain framed that way? If it didn't why was there a suit filed to begin with.

Take those nic glasses off, it will become clear.

Ok lets pretend that you never have and start from the beginning. Please show me where in the MOU its states " WEST PILOTS BY SIGNING THIS MOU YOU AGREE TO ABANDON YOUR RIGHTS TO THE NIC AWARD"

I really want to read that so please show me.

Quote: Ok lets pretend that you never have and start from the beginning. Please show me where in the MOU its states " WEST PILOTS BY SIGNING THIS MOU YOU AGREE TO ABANDON YOUR RIGHTS TO THE NIC AWARD"

I really want to read that so please show me.

No WD, by all means you first. You get me the documents showing me how the Kirby would have paid us the same as the MOU and I will show you the document that you voted yes for almost a year ago. And then claimed that it abandoned the Nic. And filed a lawsuit for that reason. And lost. Again.
Quote: No WD, by all means you first. You get me the documents showing me how the Kirby would have paid us the same as the MOU and I will show you the document that you voted yes for almost a year ago. And then claimed that it abandoned the Nic. And filed a lawsuit for that reason. And lost. Again.
Was not trying to play a game of he said she said, I just wanted to read this document that you claim that west pilots abandoned their rights to the arbitration award. If you don't have it and or can not produce it I can understand that. Now like I said I have read and reread the MOU and I have been totally unable to find this section or quote. Now I know that it exist because you said it does so I just wanted to read it for myself.

Now you claim that I have lost and can counter that with you have lost too. I can make one more prediction for you if you like. I predict that we end up back in court for yet another battle if the west pilots are in any way placed in a worse position than what was given in the final and binding arbitration award. Wanna try me on that one?

Quote: Was not trying to play a game of he said she said, I just wanted to read this document that you claim that west pilots abandoned their rights to the arbitration award. If you don't have it and or can not produce it I can understand that. Now like I said I have read and reread the MOU and I have been totally unable to find this section or quote. Now I know that it exist because you said it does so I just wanted to read it for myself.

Now you claim that I have lost and can counter that with you have lost too. I can make one more prediction for you if you like. I predict that we end up back in court for yet another battle if the west pilots are in any way placed in a worse position than what was given in the final and binding arbitration award. Wanna try me on that one?

I don't care what you want WD.

I haven't lost anything. The MOU, your complaint and Judge Silver's order are right here in front of me. I will once again highlight it all for you. But as I said-you first. You pulled a claim out of your rear. No, let me check that-Leonidas pulled it our of their rear, you parroted it, just like you guys have done dozens of times before and when I call you on it, you scurry off.

Show me how the Kirby Proposal gave us what the MOU did. Or you are a liar.
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