Ebola and Work assignments

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Quote: All comments appreciated ............... So, what do you think will happen if anyone cites their safety concerns for being assigned a deadhead on a passenger carrier, given safety concerns for health and exposure to Ebola virus?
We now have a case of a Doctor returning from the affected region to New York and travels around freely then all of a sudden he is ill ............. There is not enough safety protocols being exercised in this country with respect and regards to the Ebola virus and this is a KILLER VIRUS. I don't feel safe being assigned to travel in a "tube" with others that I do not know, I do not know where they have been or who they have been exposed to.
The Government is not being forthcoming and is woefully complicit in allowing this issue to fester to the point now that the public health is in the balance. Officials are trying to calm the public with their view of the world, they are only interested in getting re-elected by lies, deceit and not telling us the truth. I know that I am not the only one that feels this way, many others are concerned and rightfully so.
I will not accept a passenger airline deadhead, period. Prudence is what dictates safety, not a bunch of words on a website page.
The only GOOD NEWS ............ OIL PRICES are coming DOWN !!!
If you're nervous about catching Ebola on a Deadhead you must be terrified of the car or van ride to and from the airport.
Quote: All comments appreciated ............... So, what do you think will happen if anyone cites their safety concerns for being assigned a deadhead on a passenger carrier, given safety concerns for health and exposure to Ebola virus?
We now have a case of a Doctor returning from the affected region to New York and travels around freely then all of a sudden he is ill ............. There is not enough safety protocols being exercised in this country with respect and regards to the Ebola virus and this is a KILLER VIRUS. I don't feel safe being assigned to travel in a "tube" with others that I do not know, I do not know where they have been or who they have been exposed to.
The Government is not being forthcoming and is woefully complicit in allowing this issue to fester to the point now that the public health is in the balance. Officials are trying to calm the public with their view of the world, they are only interested in getting re-elected by lies, deceit and not telling us the truth. I know that I am not the only one that feels this way, many others are concerned and rightfully so.
I will not accept a passenger airline deadhead, period. Prudence is what dictates safety, not a bunch of words on a website page.
The only GOOD NEWS ............ OIL PRICES are coming DOWN !!!

You'd have a better case citing Flu. I'm not saying its a good case, but it's better than citing Ebola.

Ebola is NOT transmitted through the air. You have to show active symptoms to be contagious. Influenza is. Flu has killed far more people than Ebola. You've "traveled in a tube" with folks you didn't know your whole life. You'll be just fine cowboy.

Public health is "not in the balance." Yes, "some" officials, the ones with MEDICAL TRAINING, are trying to calm the public while other "elected officials" and the media are scaring the crap outta folks like you because it drives votes and viewership.

Prudence doesn't dictate safety. A fact based and rational weighing of risk vs. reward does. But hey, if you want to burn all your sick time, go right ahead. It's a free country right?
Quote: Lighten up, Francis.

On another subject: Can someone catch paranoia by sitting on a plane, next to someone who is paranoid?

Only if paranoia mutates and becomes airborne.
On second thought, flying in a tube be more dangerous than Ebola.

What's My Risk Of Catching Ebola? : Goats and Soda : NPR
Ebola becomes airborne when temp. goes down to 45 F. (US Army)
New York City will be crazy!!!

Scientists: Ebola Can Spread By Air In Cold Weather - Conservative Byte

Quote: Ebola becomes airborne when temp. goes down to 45 F. (US Army)
New York City will be crazy!!!

Scientists: Ebola Can Spread By Air In Cold Weather - Conservative Byte

» U.S. Army: Ebola Goes Airborne Once Temperature Drops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I'd be careful about getting science news from a website run by the same guy who believes that 9/11 was an inside job and that the moon landing was faked.

I read the studies quoted in those articles. That's a pretty big spin to state that those researchers concluded that Ebola becomes airborne in cold weather.
Quote: I'd be careful about getting science news from a website run by the same guy who believes that 9/11 was an inside job and that the moon landing was faked.

I read the studies quoted in those articles. That's a pretty big spin to state that those researchers concluded that Ebola becomes airborne in cold weather.
Hmmm, if it is so hard to contract, then why is the City of New York paying big bucks to a Professional Decontamination Company to go everywhere the Dr. who came down with Ebola yesterday visited? i.e. Coffee Stand, Meatball Shoppe, Bowling Alley and several subway trains?

Biohazard scrubbing begins at places visited by Ebola doctor | New York Post

"Lucy!!!!! you have some 'splain'in to do!!!!!!!"
Quote: You'd have a better case citing Flu. I'm not saying its a good case, but it's better than citing Ebola.

Ebola is NOT transmitted through the air. You have to show active symptoms to be contagious. Influenza is. Flu has killed far more people than Ebola. You've "traveled in a tube" with folks you didn't know your whole life. You'll be just fine cowboy.

Public health is "not in the balance." Yes, "some" officials, the ones with MEDICAL TRAINING, are trying to calm the public while other "elected officials" and the media are scaring the crap outta folks like you because it drives votes and viewership.

Prudence doesn't dictate safety. A fact based and rational weighing of risk vs. reward does. But hey, if you want to burn all your sick time, go right ahead. It's a free country right?
Yes, Ebola can be spread through the air, in droplets. If someone spits, coughs, or sneezes, and their infected bodily fluid droplets travel through the air and hit your mucus membranes, eyes, or mouth, or land on a cut in your skin (even very small hard to see cuts), you will be infected with Ebola. Ebola isn't very contagious, but it is highly infectious.

So by telling people you can't get it through the air is misleading. What you mean to say is that Ebola is not "airborne" disease, yet, but you can catch it through the air.
Quote: Hmmm, if it is so hard to contract, then why is the City of New York paying big bucks to a Professional Decontamination Company to go everywhere the Dr. who came down with Ebola yesterday visited? i.e. Coffee Stand, Meatball Shoppe, Bowling Alley and several subway trains?

Biohazard scrubbing begins at places visited by Ebola doctor | New York Post

"Lucy!!!!! you have some 'splain'in to do!!!!!!!"
What do you think business would be like at those places the doctor visited if they had done nothing? I'm guessing they're cleaning up as a precaution but I think a bigger reason is to ease the public's fear. I do think that it was irresponsible of the doctor to travel in public while feeling fatigued knowing that he had been exposed to the disease.

My point was that these articles claiming that Ebola will become airborne in the cold used the quotes from the studies completely out of context. The researchers were hypothesizing why they were able to infect monkeys with an aerosol spray even though there had been no reported transmissions to humans the same way. One of the theories, among others, was that the lower temperature and humidity in the lab helped increase the aerosol stability of the virus. They recommended that health care professionals should minimize the risk of aerosol exposure while treating patients. Nowhere in the study did they state that this would increase the likelihood of an outbreak in a colder environment.

There's a difference between sensible caution and fear mongering.
Quote: What do you think business would be like at those places the doctor visited if they had done nothing? I'm guessing they're cleaning up as a precaution but I think a bigger reason is to ease the public's fear. I do think that it was irresponsible of the doctor to travel in public while feeling fatigued knowing that he had been exposed to the disease.

My point was that these articles claiming that Ebola will become airborne in the cold used the quotes from the studies completely out of context. The researchers were hypothesizing why they were able to infect monkeys with an aerosol spray even though there had been no reported transmissions to humans the same way. One of the theories, among others, was that the lower temperature and humidity in the lab helped increase the aerosol stability of the virus. They recommended that health care professionals should minimize the risk of aerosol exposure while treating patients. Nowhere in the study did they state that this would increase the likelihood of an outbreak in a colder environment.

There's a difference between sensible caution and fear mongering.
You dodge my question completely. 1st, its not the individual businesses who are facilitating the decontamination, its the City of New York. Why, if you cant get Ebola from a direct sneeze, are they decontaminating areas that "may" have come into casual contact more than a day previous at tremendous expense? What do they know that we are not being told? The current official line is one must contact directly with an infected individual, who has external bodily fluids to be infected........my question is, why all this expensive kerfluffle that isn't remotely close to the "official line" on potential infection? Bagging on a deadhead is looking more and more attractive if a "carrier" was transported on that A/C.
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