Will the MRJ fly at Skywest and TSA?

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Quote: With Delta getting more narrow bodies (C series) does that allow for more
DCI big RJ's per their scope? Also can scope be changed with a LOA instead of full contract member vote? Thx
Nope! Extra RJs were tied to the 717 deliveries which have been completed.

Sure an LOA could in theory be done, but it would fail hard.
Quote: Do you think DL would have moved towards the C Series if there was not a smoking deal offered to you guys?
Yes, because as I stated above, pilot costs are no longer a factor in market decisions. Mainline pilot costs are lagging revenue growth by more than 100%.
Quote: Still didn't answer my question..do you fly for Alaska? You speak as if you are an employee of Alaska, and have all the inside scoop. If you are not with Alaska, how can you speak for their pilot group?
Quote: I don't work for Alaska.....
Quote: OK, so you feel comfortable speaking for a workgroup that you have nothing to do with? 100% all your OPINION.
Quote: Come back and talk to me when you have more then 10 minutes in the industry...
Quote: Oh if you only knew my friend.......But, hey, I will continue to let you ramble on.

Oh Internet 😩
Quote: Do you think DL would have moved towards the C Series if there was not a smoking deal offered to you guys?
They are always looking for a good deal. We got those for the price that we normally pay for 76 seaters...
Quote: Understandable, but what I was curious about is that if you guys were even shopping around for such a thing, or if the deal was phoned into ATL hoping you guys would take such a deal.
That has not been disclosed. For something like an MRJ purchase to occur, they would have to be flown at mainline, which is fine by me.
Quote: No, this is in regards to the C-Series purchase. Knowing that Bombardier was in a serious state of desperate, if the DL purchase was due to them throwing out offers to anyone who would listen.
What's the difference if they were being shopped for or if they were sold? Not a single pilot on here is going to know the background and if they say they do, they are lying. The DO MIGHT know about a purchase order before it's agreed upon but I'm guessing that's the extent. Everything else is done by bean counters and pocket protectors
Quote: No, this is in regards to the C-Series purchase. Knowing that Bombardier was in a serious state of desperate, if the DL purchase was due to them throwing out offers to anyone who would listen.
One of the program heads of the Cseries worked at Delta, he lurks the threads here as well.
Quote: No, this is in regards to the C-Series purchase. Knowing that Bombardier was in a serious state of desperate, if the DL purchase was due to them throwing out offers to anyone who would listen.

Do you work for Bombardier?
Quote: They are always looking for a good deal. We got those for the price that we normally pay for 76 seaters...
Really, same as a CRJ900 or one of Bombardier's trains?
Quote: Talk to RJDio, he knows my entire life history and employment background. Guy wrote my resume for me all based on APC stuff. Pretty amazing.
I just know who you are, not your whole history. Don't flatter yourself. I gotta say though, it's pretty comfortable up here in your head. It might be time to expand.
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