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tonsterboy5 03-19-2020 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by skblu (Post 3003227)
And no pay for everyone that was in training... we all got locked out of KCM and “unpaid administrative leave” pasted to our sched+ calendars

just remember Skywest Has never furloughed. They just give unpaid administrative leave.

skblu 03-19-2020 06:39 AM

Originally Posted by tonsterboy5 (Post 3003522)
just remember Skywest Has never furloughed. They just give unpaid administrative leave.

If we have a seniority number, lose all benefits, and aren’t getting paid, what’s the difference?

nate5ks 03-19-2020 07:08 AM

Did they say they were calling people back by company seniority or pilot seniority?

skblu 03-19-2020 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by nate5ks (Post 3003659)
Did they say they were calling people back by company seniority or pilot seniority?

Pilot seniority

tonsterboy5 03-19-2020 07:51 AM

Originally Posted by skblu (Post 3003603)
If we have a seniority number, lose all benefits, and aren’t getting paid, what’s the difference?

that’s my point, there are a lot of kool aid drinkers who brag about never furloughing

TFAYD 03-19-2020 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by TheOtherGuy25 (Post 3003432)
Furloughing half the pilot group would be very much not in their interests unless things got dramatically worse - which I accept could of course happen.

The cost involved of recalling and retraining that many pilots in a possible short period of time would be utterly staggering, even over a not so short period it will cost a absolute fortune to do. I have no doubt there will be some furloughs at some stage, but hopefully with the mix of unpaid leave takers (Plus I know a number of senior captains who are going to retire early due to this) reduced credit lines, A LOT of cash on hand and cheap oil among other factors will offset the number they would need to look at.

From the numbers I’ve crunched and including all trainees already sent home which was quite a few, my estimate was around 18 to 25% at the most at this stage, I don’t have access to nearly a fraction of the data management uses to figure these things out however. I truly hope it’s zero percent though.

just watch them.

retrain is only an issue if you actually need to move people from the left seat to the right seat or from one aircraft to another.

what if you selectively furlough - out of seniority order?

think of it as a by-pass just like the regular practice.

operational need and such.

trip 03-19-2020 08:59 AM

Cliff notes from this mornings SAPA call>
Lots of interest in VLOA but 2 week callback seems to be an issue with interested volunteers?
If VLOA doesn’t meet staffing requirements then looking at reduced line credit for reserve and line holders. Possible down to 62/72?
Last option is furlough.
New hires sent home are in limbo as to status, SAPA is bringing this up everyday for a better answer, “limbo” cannot continue.

Stay safe out there.

shrsailplanes 03-19-2020 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by TFAYD (Post 3003839)
just watch them.

retrain is only an issue if you actually need to move people from the left seat to the right seat or from one aircraft to another.

what if you selectively furlough - out of seniority order?

think of it as a by-pass just like the regular practice.

operational need and such.

And what if the reptilian, shape-shifting, lizard illuminati are behind it all?

Stop putting false ideas out there.

TFAYD 03-19-2020 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by shrsailplanes (Post 3003929)
And what if the reptilian, shape-shifting, lizard illuminati are behind it all?

Stop putting false ideas out there.

the company can get very creative when they want to. Upgrade / transition in seniority order? Not so much. Why would they not try the same in this situation? That’s the way we have always done it ....


Jhcrosby08 03-19-2020 09:42 AM

Just interviewed with Sky west on Monday. It appears that the four people in our group all got rejection emails. They’ve also closed down their training classes and sent all the trainees home. There’s also a gentleman at my Flight school who was supposed to report in three weeks and he has been told not to report. So apparently SkyWest has shut down training during the Corona crisis.

Turbosina 03-19-2020 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by Jhcrosby08 (Post 3003965)
Just interviewed with Sky west on Monday. It appears that the four people in our group all got rejection emails. They’ve also closed down their training classes and sent all the trainees home. There’s also a gentleman at my Flight school who was supposed to report in three weeks and he has been told not to report. So apparently SkyWest has shut down training during the Corona crisis.

Yes. And looks like a bunch of us current pilots will be taking some unpaid time off.

If we actually have an airline industry in 3 months from now, I'll be pleasantly astonished.

HulkaBurger 03-19-2020 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Turbosina (Post 3004749)

If we actually have an airline industry in 3 months from now, I'll be pleasantly astonished.

If APC actually has threads not filled with ridiculous hyperbole 3 months from now, I'll be pleasantly astonished.

Turbosina 03-19-2020 09:55 PM

Originally Posted by HulkaBurger (Post 3004760)
If APC actually has threads not filled with ridiculous hyperbole 3 months from now, I'll be pleasantly astonished.

You come to an Internet forum and expect measured, dignified, scholarly conversation?

desertfly3r 03-20-2020 06:27 PM

Hey all,
I was part of the recent new hire class that was sent packing while in CTP last week. I was a cadet and am wondering about the status of our "employment" with the company. Since we do not hold a seniority number, are we still eligible for company health insurance if we buy into it? I am no longer covered by my previous employer as of March 1 (at apparently the worst time in recent history to not have health insurance). Also will we lose flight benefits? I understand the current economic position for airlines is hardly great, however I just paid $300 to enroll with Delta and United and wanted to know the chances of getting a refund if they end up recalling that. I found out through a friend that new hires in training are eligible for state unemployment benefits. Appreciate any information y'all can provide.

Sculprit 03-20-2020 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by desertfly3r (Post 3005790)
Hey all,
I was part of the recent new hire class that was sent packing while in CTP last week. I was a cadet and am wondering about the status of our "employment" with the company. Since we do not hold a seniority number, are we still eligible for company health insurance if we buy into it? I am no longer covered by my previous employer as of March 1 (at apparently the worst time in recent history to not have health insurance). Also will we lose flight benefits? I understand the current economic position for airlines is hardly great, however I just paid $300 to enroll with Delta and United and wanted to know the chances of getting a refund if they end up recalling that. I found out through a friend that new hires in training are eligible for state unemployment benefits. Appreciate any information y'all can provide.

dont quote me on this but I believe you have to be on property for 6 months for health insurance. Not sure if it differs for cadets. As far as flight benefits I believe you can reach out to the travel center for a refund.

TheFly 03-20-2020 07:43 PM

Just got the email our ATL base got coronad.
No airline will be untouched...

mbromy 03-20-2020 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by desertfly3r (Post 3005790)
Hey all,
I was part of the recent new hire class that was sent packing while in CTP last week. I was a cadet and am wondering about the status of our "employment" with the company. Since we do not hold a seniority number, are we still eligible for company health insurance if we buy into it? I am no longer covered by my previous employer as of March 1 (at apparently the worst time in recent history to not have health insurance). Also will we lose flight benefits? I understand the current economic position for airlines is hardly great, however I just paid $300 to enroll with Delta and United and wanted to know the chances of getting a refund if they end up recalling that. I found out through a friend that new hires in training are eligible for state unemployment benefits. Appreciate any information y'all can provide.

I may be wrong, but I believe that we got paid at the end of Indoc if I remember correctly. Before then, we were not "considered employees" I was 6 days away from my LOE when they sent us home. So far everyone is in the unknown. Still got the company badges (can't use KCM but we are still CASS enabled) and EFB (but for how long?). To answer your question, you might be eligible for nothing. I would contact a SAPA representative or your direct supervisor to ask him. Since you were a cadet, you had access to SkyWest online, you can see who your direct supervisor is and email him. Good luck! We are all in the same pot of brown pudding.

Flymeaway 03-21-2020 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by desertfly3r (Post 3005790)
Hey all,
I was part of the recent new hire class that was sent packing while in CTP last week. I was a cadet and am wondering about the status of our "employment" with the company. Since we do not hold a seniority number, are we still eligible for company health insurance if we buy into it? I am no longer covered by my previous employer as of March 1 (at apparently the worst time in recent history to not have health insurance). Also will we lose flight benefits? I understand the current economic position for airlines is hardly great, however I just paid $300 to enroll with Delta and United and wanted to know the chances of getting a refund if they end up recalling that. I found out through a friend that new hires in training are eligible for state unemployment benefits. Appreciate any information y'all can provide.

Oh man...if you were still in CTP and hadn't started indoc I think you are in trouble. CTP is a requirement to be hired, and isn't considered part of company training. It's like the help with the last 100 hours of flight time or paying for rotor to fixed wing transition that a lot of regionals were offering. They're helping pay for training with your promise to come work for them when you're ready, but you're not actually an employee yet. I think that's the same across the industry. So basically they pulled your offer of employment before you started work. The guys who started indoc are going to get 50 hours of pay a month and benefits to sit at home, but if you didn't start indoc, you aren't eligible for that.
You can ask about a refund on the non-rev fees, but I doubt you get one unfortunately. That money goes straight to Delta and United and they make it clear that there are no refunds even if your status changes. You had to be in the worst possible spot when this went down.

thrustisamust 03-21-2020 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by Flymeaway (Post 3006321)
Oh man...if you were still in CTP and hadn't started indoc I think you are in trouble. CTP is a requirement to be hired, and isn't considered part of company training. It's like the help with the last 100 hours of flight time or paying for rotor to fixed wing transition that a lot of regionals were offering. They're helping pay for training with your promise to come work for them when you're ready, but you're not actually an employee yet. I think that's the same across the industry. So basically they pulled your offer of employment before you started work. The guys who started indoc are going to get 50 hours of pay a month and benefits to sit at home, but if you didn't start indoc, you aren't eligible for that.
You can ask about a refund on the non-rev fees, but I doubt you get one unfortunately. That money goes straight to Delta and United and they make it clear that there are no refunds even if your status changes. You had to be in the worst possible spot when this went down.

I started Indoc and that was not the impression anyone in class got. Sounded like we were sent home with no pay or benefits of any kind.

Edit: I shouldn't speak for anyone else in the class as far as the impressions they all got. Above comments are my thoughts only.

flyfast2u 03-21-2020 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by thrustisamust (Post 3006446)
I started Indoc and that was not the impression anyone in class got. Sounded like we were sent home with no pay or benefits of any kind.

Edit: I shouldn't speak for anyone else in the class as far as the impressions they all got. Above comments are my thoughts only.

check skywest online if you still can ...... look for the blue tab for VLOA/ CPTO & select the CPTO option....

trip 03-21-2020 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by thrustisamust (Post 3006446)
I started Indoc and that was not the impression anyone in class got. Sounded like we were sent home with no pay or benefits of any kind.

Edit: I shouldn't speak for anyone else in the class as far as the impressions they all got. Above comments are my thoughts only.

Yes according to SAPA if you have a employee number and seniority number your're are eligible for the CPTO (coronivirus paid time off) leave option. This has all been developing faster then one can type it out. The CPTO plan just became available on the 20th so stay updated with skywest online and sapa pilot dot org.

domino 03-21-2020 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by flyfast2u (Post 3006465)
check skywest online if you still can ...... look for the blue tab for VLOA/ CPTO & select the CPTO option....

Good info.

captive apple 03-21-2020 01:44 PM

Be mindful we are “bidding” for VTO/CPTO.
Definitely bid for it though.

Flymeaway 03-21-2020 04:41 PM

Sounds like folks that were still in training are going to get involuntary CTPO, but I’d bid anyway. Skywestonline - my stuff - leave of absence - blue Vto/ctpo button and pick ctpo. Vto is unpaid, you just get health benefits.

TheFlyingRudi 03-26-2020 01:27 PM

Spoke to a buddy of mine last night who was in CRJ sim training. I guess those in training got notified yesterday they can select VTO and get their medical benefits. Thank you SkyWest for taking care of our employees and new hires. 🙌👏👏👏

MrButter 03-26-2020 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by TheFlyingRudi (Post 3012893)
I guess those in training got notified yesterday they can select VTO and get their medical benefits. Thank you SkyWest for taking care of our employees and new hires. 🙌👏👏👏

Confirmed. The email came out today. If we already had health and dental benefits (i.e. cadets or people well through their training) they will be covered by the company. We will retain flight benefits (yay?) and are eligible for unemployment.

Question: If we live in state A, the company is based in state B, but we were physically residing in state C during training, which state do we pursue an unemployment claim?

R0GER BALL 03-26-2020 04:01 PM

[QUOTE=MrButter;3012943]Confirmed. The email came out today. If we already had health and dental benefits (i.e. cadets or people well through their training) they will be covered by the company. We will retain flight benefits (yay?) and are eligible for unemployment.

Question: If we live in state A, the company is based in state B, but we were physically residing in state C during training, which state do we pursue an unemployment claim?[/QUOT

State you file your taxes. IE resident of.

blindfayth 03-26-2020 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by MrButter (Post 3012943)
Confirmed. The email came out today. If we already had health and dental benefits (i.e. cadets or people well through their training) they will be covered by the company. We will retain flight benefits (yay?) and are eligible for unemployment.

Question: If we live in state A, the company is based in state B, but we were physically residing in state C during training, which state do we pursue an unemployment claim?

The same state you pay state income tax towards (residence).

Meow1215 03-26-2020 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by TheFlyingRudi (Post 3012893)
Thank you SkyWest for taking care of our employees and new hires. 🙌👏👏👏

Right... Not paying them is taking care of them...

desertfly3r 03-26-2020 09:26 PM

Messaged somebody in employment standards. For those who were sent home in CTP, we will be able to keep travel privileges for 30 days and then it will be re-evaluated. We will remain as Cadets/New Hires in the system. Hopefully that $1200 Trump check and unemployment holds everyone over for a year (or more). efffff :eek:

skblu 03-27-2020 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by TheFlyingRudi (Post 3012893)
Spoke to a buddy of mine last night who was in CRJ sim training. I guess those in training got notified yesterday they can select VTO and get their medical benefits. Thank you SkyWest for taking care of our employees and new hires. 🙌👏👏👏

I don’t mean to be negative but it was a requirement in order to receive funding in the bailout passed in Congress today. They initially intended on keeping us on administrative leave w/o benefits until that stipulation came out.

senecacaptain 03-27-2020 08:22 PM

I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

Meow1215 03-27-2020 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

Magic eight ball says “reply hazy try again later”.

domino 03-27-2020 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

no one will know until later this year. My guess is somewhere about the 2-3 year mark when the recession subsides and
all furloughs have been recalled.

R0GER BALL 03-28-2020 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

Consider plan A dead. Plan B will be gone soon.

shrsailplanes 03-28-2020 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by domino (Post 3014615)
no one will know until later this year. My guess is somewhere about the 2-3 year mark when the recession subsides and
all furloughs have been recalled.

This is a big part of it, but another part that is a little harder to predict is when will people feel safe again sitting shoulder to shoulder inside a long metal tube. A good chunk of people will not get the virus or they had it and didn’t even know it. So, the paranoia that will exist anytime someone sneezes or coughs inside an airplane is going to be around a long time.

majorpilot 03-28-2020 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by shrsailplanes (Post 3014743)
This is a big part of it, but another part that is a little harder to predict is when will people feel safe again sitting shoulder to shoulder inside a long metal tube. A good chunk of people will not get the virus or they had it and didn’t even know it. So, the paranoia that will exist anytime someone sneezes or coughs inside an airplane is going to be around a long time.

Human fear is why no one magically going to just go back to “normal” anytime soon, no matter what we may want. The people who’ve had it will feel ok -IF- they’re confident they can’t “re-catch” it. People who’ve not had it (which experts say may be as few as 20% of us) won’t feel safe unless they’re inoculated -AND- they’re confident in the inoculation. And a shot is a year out just on the science, then you’ve got logistics - 330 million recipients a large chunk of whom don’t have health care, remember?

Both groups will require (1) belief in science and (2) trust in government, and both are under attack now, and by our own leadership.

Is it any wonder people just want to bunker down and stock up on TP and ammo? Oh, and troll on APC!

What’s needed is a thoughtful plan, aggressive, coordinated and solid execution, and efforts to restore, not diminish, confidence in our institutions. Sadly, what we are seeing is a mockery of them. Cults of personality never survive these types of challenges, and neither will this one, but this is an expensive lesson for all of us. I hope we learn it.

SkyKing2019 03-28-2020 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

When the vaccine is developed....

MasterOfPuppets 03-28-2020 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.

when the mainline pilots have been recalled......United s contract with the regionals state that they MUST hire furloughed United pilots before anyone else.

ZR29907 03-28-2020 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3014564)
I know this is MAJOR crystal-ball but any idea when hiring will resume.



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