Epoch Times article... oh boy

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Quote: I did say arguably, which implies there is room for discussion. Portland is a unique place in its own right for sure but as of now, they are not openly racist in their union policies like Minneapolis school board is.
Racist? Guess you've never been to the city of Atlanta either. I'm told it's a lot like South Africa post apartheid these days. Unless you're in a certain demographic, you're an inherently racist person and need to be canceled. There's a fine line between equal rights, which most would agree with, and retaliation/reparations. But not there.
Quote: Racist? Guess you've never been to the city of Atlanta either. I'm told it's a lot like South Africa post apartheid these days. Unless you're in a certain demographic, you're an inherently racist person and need to be canceled. There's a fine line between equal rights, which most would agree with, and retaliation/reparations. But not there.
This thread is a hilarious circlejerk of grievance and faux outrage. Please go on, tell us more about how you are all oppressed.

Meanwhile, red states are trying to pass laws to keep pregnant women locked in their homes for 9 months.

This is 100% projection.
Haha wut lol
Quote: This thread is a hilarious circlejerk of grievance and faux outrage. Please go on, tell us more about how you are all oppressed.

Meanwhile, red states are trying to pass laws to keep pregnant women locked in their homes for 9 months.

This is 100% projection.
I’m concerned about your career the next time you get random drug tested.
Quote: This thread is a hilarious circlejerk of grievance and faux outrage. Please go on, tell us more about how you are all oppressed.

Meanwhile, red states are trying to pass laws to keep pregnant women locked in their homes for 9 months.

This is 100% projection.
Your ignorance must be such a bliss. Bless your heart, kid.
Quote: This thread is a hilarious circlejerk of grievance and faux outrage. Please go on, tell us more about how you are all oppressed.

Meanwhile, red states are trying to pass laws to keep pregnant women locked in their homes for 9 months.

This is 100% projection.
You need to put down the crack pipe it is rotting your brain.

Don't worry soon enough the woke will take over in our unions and when the inevitable furloughs happen I want to make sure you volunteer to go before any Bipoc is put on the street. Then again with the woke in charge you won't have to volunteer you will be forced out of a job based on the color of your skin just like in the Minneapolis teachers union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS1ri4woBdo
Quote: You need to put down the crack pipe it is rotting your brain.

Don't worry soon enough the woke will take over in our unions and when the inevitable furloughs happen I want to make sure you volunteer to go before any Bipoc is put on the street. Then again with the woke in charge you won't have to volunteer you will be forced out of a job based on the color of your skin just like in the Minneapolis teachers union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS1ri4woBdo
I don't know what you could possibly be jealous about. Everyone with a pulse and an ATP is getting hired, but you want to split hairs about diversity. There's no furloughs happening any time soon. You're all living in a fantasy world of fake grievance. I hope you recover soon.

You all want to complain about the short stacks of applications, why not the "My Daddy is a Check Airman" stack? Nepotism and legacy hires are way more of an issue in this industry, but none of you say a word about it. Why is that? Hmm...
Quote: Everyone with a pulse and an ATP is getting hired, but you want to split hairs about diversity. There's no furloughs happening any time soon. You're all living in a fantasy world of fake grievance. I hope you recover soon.
Epic troll!
Quote: Epic troll!

The absolute best thing any of us that like our genitalia and don't need a pronoun to distinguish between boys and girls, is do our best to move to places that haven't gone full retard like the West Coast cities. The mental retardation that has set in with these gender neutral, pan gender idiots doesn't allow them to ever back track on their distorted beliefs. Let their communities suffer. Get out of their districts while you can.
Quote: I’d pick up the Epoch vs a USA Today any day of the week.

its actually possible to objectively measure bias and truth in media sources. Epoch Times is pretty skewed by most measures.

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