Watterson says vote yes on SAV

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Quote: Andrew totally gets it. He also has more vision than any other member of management.
No he doesn't. He's exactly the same as the other managers. Watterson has been singing the same tune since 2015. I blame our horrendous shoulder flying on Watterson, he's the reason I have 5AM flights with 20 pax. He leveraged our once great lower 48 network for Hawaii at all costs.
Quote: No he doesn't. He's exactly the same as the other managers. Watterson has been singing the same tune since 2015. I blame our horrendous shoulder flying on Watterson, he's the reason I have 5AM flights with 20 pax. He leveraged our once great lower 48 network for Hawaii at all costs.

give him credit for at least pushing our moribund network. If you’re not growing, you’re probably dying.

he’s management, but he’s the only one i’d credit with a 5 year plan more ambitious than “flog as much capital out of this dying horse as I can.” Have you looked at our board? Those geriatrics are the “visionaries” that got us where we are. The once great lower 48 attitude Uber alles that worshipped at the altar of ROIC is their baby.
Quote: give him credit for at least pushing our moribund network. If you’re not growing, you’re probably dying.

he’s management, but he’s the only one i’d credit with a 5 year plan more ambitious than “flog as much capital out of this dying horse as I can.” Have you looked at our board? Those geriatrics are the “visionaries” that got us where we are. The once great lower 48 attitude Uber alles that worshipped at the altar of ROIC is their baby.
I give him credit for our network being stretched so thin it has lost the ability to recover like it once did.
Quote: I give him credit for our network being stretched so thin it has lost the ability to recover like it once did.

It is not his fault this place has turned into a third tier airlines for pilots to work at. There is a reason we have over one pilot a day quitting. This place sucks .
Quote: It is not his fault this place has turned into a third tier airlines for pilots to work at. There is a reason we have over one pilot a day quitting. This place sucks .
Yes, there is a reason. More than one.

And, to beat a horse that isn't quite dead yet, one of the primary reasons is that this pilot group, at SWAPA's behest, has repeatedly assented to sub-standard contract after sub-standard contract. Again and again, we've debased ourselves in exchange for a "pocket full of shells."

By failing to hold ourselves and our profession in higher esteem, we've allowed the company to "compete" as a "low cost" operation on the backs of our willingness to lace up the Nikes, drink the koolaid, and bend over instead of forcing our bosspeople to forge a more efficient and productive enterprise by demanding wages and working conditions equivalent to our skills, experience, and value (Flt 1380, for example).

And then, rather than reinvesting the fruits of our acquiescence to low wages and substandard work rules and benefits into building a better airline, our corporate managers rewarded themselves and the investor class. Now - shockingly - the place shows all the signs of becoming a future business school lesson on hubris and failure.
Quote: I give him credit for our network being stretched so thin it has lost the ability to recover like it once did.
I’m cautiously rather bullish on Watterson and have kind of followed him for many years now. He seems just as frustrated as us with the incestuous and old-school nature of SWA senior management.

From all indications, he’s yearning to be unleashed and move the company forward from the Stone Age. I’d cut him some slack. I don’t think he’s out to get the pilot group, but rather quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, limp-dick BoJo is 🤬ing worthless. Talk about no fire under someone’s a$$. He’s the definition of “uninspiring”.

My frame of reference is two and a half decades now of witnessing airline management do their “thing”.
Quote: I’m cautiously rather bullish on Watterson and have kind of followed him for many years now. He seems just as frustrated as us with the incestuous and old-school nature of SWA senior management.

From all indications, he’s yearning to be unleashed and move the company forward from the Stone Age. I’d cut him some slack. I don’t think he’s out to get the pilot group, but rather quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, limp-dick BoJo is 🤬ing worthless. Talk about no fire under someone’s a$$. He’s the definition of “uninspiring”.

My frame of reference is two and a half decades now of witnessing airline management do their “thing”.
He‘a a CEO who didn’t even know he was in the running for the job. It’s like he’s a puppet so Gary can screw off at home instead of actually having to show up at the office. A prerequisite for taking the job should’ve been, “I’ll run the airline how I want or find someone else to do your BS”.
Quote: I’m cautiously rather bullish on Watterson and have kind of followed him for many years now. He seems just as frustrated as us with the incestuous and old-school nature of SWA senior management.

From all indications, he’s yearning to be unleashed and move the company forward from the Stone Age. I’d cut him some slack. I don’t think he’s out to get the pilot group, but rather quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, limp-dick BoJo is 🤬ing worthless. Talk about no fire under someone’s a$$. He’s the definition of “uninspiring”.

My frame of reference is two and a half decades now of witnessing airline management do their “thing”.
wasn't the union bullish about BJ when he was appointed CEO.
It's a revolving door of who can make the BOD money. That's it
Quote: I’m cautiously rather bullish on Watterson and have kind of followed him for many years now. He seems just as frustrated as us with the incestuous and old-school nature of SWA senior management.

From all indications, he’s yearning to be unleashed and move the company forward from the Stone Age. I’d cut him some slack. I don’t think he’s out to get the pilot group, but rather quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, limp-dick BoJo is 🤬ing worthless. Talk about no fire under someone’s a$$. He’s the definition of “uninspiring”.

My frame of reference is two and a half decades now of witnessing airline management do their “thing”.
You don't remember Watterson trying to bust scope in TA1 eight years ago? You guys fall for the good cop, bad cop routine every negotiating cycle. BJ was the good cop last time after AirTran.
Quote: Yes, there is a reason. More than one.

And, to beat a horse that isn't quite dead yet, one of the primary reasons is that this pilot group, at SWAPA's behest, has repeatedly assented to sub-standard contract after sub-standard contract. Again and again, we've debased ourselves in exchange for a "pocket full of shells."

By failing to hold ourselves and our profession in higher esteem, we've allowed the company to "compete" as a "low cost" operation on the backs of our willingness to lace up the Nikes, drink the koolaid, and bend over instead of forcing our bosspeople to forge a more efficient and productive enterprise by demanding wages and working conditions equivalent to our skills, experience, and value (Flt 1380, for example).

And then, rather than reinvesting the fruits of our acquiescence to low wages and substandard work rules and benefits into building a better airline, our corporate managers rewarded themselves and the investor class. Now - shockingly - the place shows all the signs of becoming a future business school lesson on hubris and failure.

All of it............
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