Don’t just focus on rates!

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Quote: The NMB in place now is the NMB (two Democrats, one Republican) that released the rail workers a little over a year ago. The Republican voted against releasing them.

The NMB in place then (if you’re referring to Frontier’s request for release) was a different NMB (one Democrat and two Republicans).

Who knows how this will play out? It’s very political. But it is a different NMB with a different political composition.
Come on, Lew. You and I both know that historically speaking we’re still firmly in the first half of mediation. Let’s 🤞 that The Big 3 ratifying their contracts puts even more pressure on the clowns in DAL to negotiate in good faith and the Dumbacratically controlled NMB to be more agreeable to releasing us prior to historical norm.

Full AIP for minimum 10 days. Minus the pay rates. Let 20000 eyeballs pick the fly **** out of the pepper. Then and only then release the pay and if it’s palatable, go for it.
Quote: Then all of a sudden the company came to the table, agreed to 98% of our initial proposal, and within a few days there was a TA. I should mention We also agreed to some of their initial proposal. Top captain pay was within $1 of initial proposal. I have no idea if that’s what will happen with your group but just wanted to share the information.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen to our group and historically speaking that’s what tends to happen. Some catalyst causes management to “see the light” and all of a sudden the checkbook comes out. Wasn’t that what happened in Valencia, CA for Contract 2016? Our NC was on the way home when the company negotiators called them back and spontaneously opened the checkbook? We’ll get them to scream their safe word but we must apply consistent and ever increasing pressure on their nipples.

I would like to reiterate the subject of this thread.
The rates are important, but so is industry standard profit sharing and disability and a litany of other things. It's time to get treated like professional airline pilots at a career destination airline.
Quote: Biden will never let u strike. Be real.
I tend to agree. AS, B6 or smaller maybe, since it wouldn't be quite so catastrophic... but they've already seen what a shutdown of WN looks like and it wasn't pretty. Maybe the bosses were playing 4D chess and did that intentionally to poison the well for a potentially lengthy strike lol

Certainly not before Nov 2024.
Quote: Full AIP for minimum 10 days. Minus the pay rates. Let 20000 eyeballs pick the fly **** out of the pepper. Then and only then release the pay and if it’s palatable, go for it.
That would be amazing. Unfortunately the company would leak the rates even if the union didn’t.
Quote: When does the NMB let us know about getting released? I can’t believe all these pay rates. What’s it going to take to get a career pay rate? All those other guys narrowbody rates subsidize wide body pay.
The highlighted portion of your post is incorrect. It's the other way around. Widebody flights are exponentially more profitable than narrowbody flights. There's a lot of money made on the cargo alone.
Quote: I tend to agree. AS, B6 or smaller maybe, since it wouldn't be quite so catastrophic... but they've already seen what a shutdown of WN looks like and it wasn't pretty. Maybe the bosses were playing 4D chess and did that intentionally to poison the well for a potentially lengthy strike lol

Certainly not before Nov 2024.
Bologna on all counts. Once we get through all of the cooling off periods the gubment has to either impose a contract on us or let us walk. They won’t be imposing a contract on us. We’re NOT the freight railroads who’s shutdown would utterly cripple the country.

I don’t appreciate people spreading this misinformation as it’s detrimental to our cause. Yeah, we might have to exhaust three 30 day cooling off periods but we’ll eventually get to strike.

As for them intentionally causing The Meltdown, Rick if you could witness firsthand and on a repeated basis the stupidity and dysfunction that is SWA management, you’d realize that they’re neither smart enough or talented enough orchestrate that.

Quote: When does the NMB let us know about getting released? I can’t believe all these pay rates. What’s it going to take to get a career pay rate? All those other guys narrowbody rates subsidize wide body pay.
The numbers have been run many times on the hourly revenue generation of various airframes. The CEO of Delta once said he could afford much higher widebody rates because of the revenue generated but if he did that we would demand a proportional raise in narrow body rates that were not supportable. Just the cargo carried generates large revenue numbers.
Release from the NMB can take anywhere from a week to 5 years or more. It simply comes down to who the arbitrator believes is working in the zone of reasonableness they mention often. If it’s the union you get released. If it’s management you get iced.
Quote: Biden will never let u strike. Be real.
Biden can only delay a strike for 60 days by establishing a PEB. He can't stop a strike.

This is one of the most persistent myths out there. THE PRESIDENT CANNOT STOP A STRIKE UNDER THE RLA. He/she can only delay a strike by 60 days.

Quote: The AA and UAL TA’s are a big deal for swa getting released because if they ratify their respective contracts there will be tremendous leverage for SWA to stop dicking around at the table and the NMB won’t have to worry about a possible industry wide shutdown. It will just be the one company on strike that’s already well known for being a dumpster fire.
There will be no industry-wide shut down any time soon. Neither UA nor AA ever filed for mediation. No mediation equals no chance of a legal strike. Mediation is a prerequisite for a strike.
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