Coming to Spirit with the Type Already

Hi everyone! I’m really hoping to get on with you guys soon. I am already typed on the Airbus. How does training differ, if at all, for people coming in with the type?

Obviously I’m going to need to learn your flows and ways of doing things. I just didn’t know if you had to do an entire Type-ride again or if it’s just a PC.

Thank you!
Quote: Hi everyone! I’m really hoping to get on with you guys soon. I am already typed on the Airbus. How does training differ, if at all, for people coming in with the type?

Obviously I’m going to need to learn your flows and ways of doing things. I just didn’t know if you had to do an entire Type-ride again or if it’s just a PC.

Thank you!
Type or not, you'll be going through the whole program with everyone else. Pretty sure that is standard practice at US 121 airlines. You won't need a Type ride though but the PC will most likely be identical.
Quote: Type or not, you'll be going through the whole program with everyone else. Pretty sure that is standard practice at US 121 airlines. You won't need a Type ride though but the PC will most likely be identical.

This is correct. It’s considered a PC but it’s identical to the type ride. You’ll be a huge help to your sim partner since you already know he airplane though.

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Awesome! Thanks guys! Hope to be onboard soon.
Quote: Hi everyone! I’m really hoping to get on with you guys soon. I am already typed on the Airbus. How does training differ, if at all, for people coming in with the type?

Obviously I’m going to need to learn your flows and ways of doing things. I just didn’t know if you had to do an entire Type-ride again or if it’s just a PC.

Thank you!
My sim partner was typed and had extensive experience in the airplane. While he was learning the 'Spirit way' like the rest of us he was a huge help in understanding 'why' and 'how' the airplane was doing what is was doing.

Your sim partner is going to put you on their Christmas/Hanukkah/other winter holiday card list. Hopefully you're on line soon.
Quote: Hi everyone! I’m really hoping to get on with you guys soon. I am already typed on the Airbus. How does training differ, if at all, for people coming in with the type?

Obviously I’m going to need to learn your flows and ways of doing things. I just didn’t know if you had to do an entire Type-ride again or if it’s just a PC.

Thank you!

Check out FAR 121.424. Most (all?) initial programs are templated to provide instruction required for the type ride, just consider your type as a head start.
Clearly you don't need a type. You'll get a PC and the benefit of retraining if required where it's not allowed on a type ride.
I was typed, the overall training footprint doesn’t differ that much.

You will have to do the oral, and contrary to what I was told (unofficially) it’s not a “non-jeopardy” event.

You will do the same number of sims and paper tiger events, my sim partner benefited from having a bit of extra time each session.

The PC was quick and dirty, as you don’t need to do things like steep turns, but you will still be seat support for your partners type ride. Overall the training is already so compressed that I wouldn’t say being typed will give you many short cuts, just a bit more sleep at night.