Anyone have any SAAB questions?

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Quote: what is the CTOT system and how does it work?
Its a way to make lazy pilots lazier, and for the second question, usually it doesn't work...A model style.
How many different mods are there for the pressurization system? (And do you know which ones the a/c you fly have?)
So what are the protections that the CTOT provide? Temp and torque?

What does the emergency accumulator in hydraulics do?

What could be the possible reasons for a timer light on de ice panel for boots mean? 4 answers for this one

If you have the all the anti-ice on (intake, windows, and of course all the pitots, AOAs, OAT probe, you get the window de-ice lights on, what does that mean?
Milk, you seem to know a lot about the saab to be asking whether Penair is having a ground school in the other thread? Your background? I can't imagine we will have a ground school, but I heard their are still planning on hiring a few pilots for the saab.
FLSAABGUY - what are the 5 overspeed protections, pretty sure there are only 3. Prop, Np, Ng? If i'm not mistaken.

Yeah for AKFrieghter just looking at options. Wouldnt mind flying that 2000.
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