DC-10 vs L-1011

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Welcome back time traveler!
My dad flew the L-1011 for the big airline in the southeast (that's still in business). He instructed on it too and I was fortunate enough to get quite a bit of sim time in her. What a fantastic airplane. He used to let me sit on the engineers seat and act as a quasi engineer to the guys up front, reading checklists and telling them stuff that was wrong with the plane to prompt them to do stuff. Super neat. I remember just two things distinctively...HAT in the window (Heading/Altitude Select/???) and the DLC and MDLC. Any airplane that you can get into the pilot seats from either side is pimp in my book.
thread is five years old
Quote: thread is five years old
With math skillz like that it's no wonder that you're a pilot.
1011 vs. DC10
I always thought that the 1011 was engineered better than the 10 simply because the 1011 #2 has an S-duct.

I'm not an engineer, but was told by structure mechanic, who worked in the Palmdale plant in where it was built that the S-duct puts the thrust of all three engines on one plane. Unlike the 10, the #2 is located above the 1 and 3 engines.
Quote: With math skillz like that it's no wonder that you're a pilot.
yes, like your spelling skillz
Story was Lockheed's L10 sim in Palmdale had a airport programed called Anytown, USA. No approach, no VASI, and 4000' long. It had a Mc Donalds immediately off the end of the runway. Sporty, and a sense of a humor.
L1011 was awesome. When it broke, it broke hard. When it ran, it wasn't like anything else out there. The Direct Lift Contol was magical during a coupled approach, maintaining the glide slope with the use of spoilers, leaving the pitch locked in and comfortable. No other bird did that at the time (like so many other attributes of the L10). Has any other airframe used DLC since? Can't think of one, maybe there is.

Anyway, as usual, I'm entering the conversation a little late, LOL. Loved that airplane, though. Miss the TWA family, as well.
Quote: The Direct Lift Contol was magical during a coupled approach, maintaining the glide slope with the use of spoilers, leaving the pitch locked in and comfortable. No other bird did that at the time (like so many other attributes of the L10). Has any other airframe used DLC since? Can't think of one, maybe there is.
Civilian aircraft I don't know of any. I believe the F14 and S3 had it.
Defemce Contractor L1011's?
Anyone know or think this actually going to happen?

AGD SYSTEMS Corporation Announces Capabilities with Addition of Six (6) Tristar L-1011 Tankers for Aerial Refueling, Cargo and Medivac Missions - PR.com
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