How to for recalling reps (C5)

LEC Meeting at which recall motions are argued and then voted upon. THIS VOTE IS TO START THE RECALL PROCESS BY ALLOWING A COUNCILWIDE BALLOT TO BE ISSUED.

IF the motion(s) pass THEN that information goes to ALPA National

Once ALPA National is made aware the recall motion(s) passed it issues THE RECALL BALLOT

ALPA National has 45 days to issue that ballot and in the case of your own Council, you should prepare for exactly that timeline.

After 45 days a Ballot is sent to all the MIGS of the Council to actually vote to keep or recall their Representatives.

The Ballot could take 30 days before it closes (I’ve not found a definitive timeline that ALPA National must adhere to for the time length for that ballot).

IF the Representative(s) are voted out THEN an Interim Chairman is appointed by our own Master Chairman for the sole purpose of conducting an election for new Representatives.

NOTE: “If” the recall resolutions pass, and “if” the recall ballot passes, there is a snap local council meeting (15 day notice) to vote in “interim” reps. If all three council officers are recalled, the Master Chairman would appoint a chairman just for this meeting to establish interim reps. If there was at least one council officer who did not get recalled, they would be the chairman for this purpose. Important to understand: Interim Reps are voted in at this meeting by only those members in attendance (no proxies allowed). (Andy Collins)

THEN the campaigning for NEW REPS begins. ALL Council Pilots can put their names up as “willing to serve” and then the LEGAL use of the ALPA Campaign email service can be used to contact the council with campaign information.

THEN another BALLOT is sent out with all the qualified candidates on it for the Council to choose their Representatives. This one too might take 30 days.

This whole cycle can take 3 or 4 months to complete. LONGER IF THEY CAN DRAG IT OUT!


A salient point is this:

IF you’re not sure whether you want to recall the current Representatives unless they fail to bring an adequate TA2:

THEN you should vote to recall them at the August 17th meeting, that way you can still decide to keep them because the timeline is so long that by the time you get the actual ballot and the closing date of that ballot will probably be around November 1st (or close) you should be able to judge their work product by what the MEC itself has defined as the timeline to either come up with a much better TUMI TA or to scratch it and start over.

So: Vote to recall at the August 17th meeting THEN decide if you really want to recall them, YOU WILL STILL HAVE THAT CHOICE.

But, if you wait until the TA2 fails and ONLY THEN start the recall process you’ve wasted about 3 months’ worth of time to get the change you want.
Lol Jerry,
You forgot to remove Andy Collins from your reference. This really is a time when all the old rats come out from the woodwork isn't it!

How do I know something important is going on? John Barton sends out an insane letter for ALPA prez and AC shows up having other people write things for him. lol
in attendance (no proxies allowed). (Andy Collins)
Quote: You forgot to remove Andy Collins from your reference.
Not at all. Copied it from the newer United pilots forum. The author was trying to consolidate the information and credited Andy who is somewhat of an expert in recalls having been the target of a recall effort aided by none other than Bill Couette, ALPA VP of Admin who is obviously a Toddler. Credit where credit is due, right?