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Burt Reynolds 10-26-2018 02:46 PM

Sadly, I "failed" the Hogan twice. The real unfortunate part is never getting to talk to a human about what went "wrong". And since it's considered part of the interview process, two fails = no United fo eva.

I like the idea of adding "Generally" and "At Work", but clearly I'm not the guy to ask. :)

rv8builder 10-27-2018 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by Jefferson (Post 2694435)
This little bit of advice is a game changer. It makes a lot of the hard to answer questions much more obvious.... Good Stuff

Nope, Nope, Nope.

Do not take any advice on here as the the "holy grail" to passing the Hogan.

They WILL know if you're full of it and trying to game the system.

Source: Guy who failed it once, passed twice (different airlines)

Learflyer 10-28-2018 04:26 AM

Halloween is coming up. The Hogan’s publish their address publicly . Just saying. I can still throw an egg about 100 yards probably. :)

And to whomever takes me seriously I am only half kidding.

Aquaticus 10-28-2018 07:01 AM

There is gouge out there about the hogan that really makes it painless. Why are they asking you this question? What are the characteristics that would fit their job description? With a 10 min google search for HPI you can put yourself on much better footing to do well. The people that ding this usually dont understand the test or have taken advice from people that have misconceptions about why the company is doing this.

strikeout 10-28-2018 08:07 AM

Any thoughts on Hoffman's Ace the Corporate Personality Test?

fadec 10-29-2018 08:21 AM

Used something close to the "... at work" trick. I took this back when Obama was still president so I pretended I was Obama speaking at a press conference and I answered that way. Passed. Now that Trump is in office he's probably a good example to follow. Just imagine how he'd answer. Easy pass.

captsurf 10-29-2018 10:32 AM

Hogan assessment
Dont take this as gospel by any means, just my personal experience and humble opinion here.

My recent indoc class took a 2nd personality assessment as an exercise (not graded or anything). It was the DISC assessment for those who may be familiar, sort of a CRM/teamwork thing. The questions were very similar to the Hogan. What was interesting to see was that all of us, who have taken and passed a Hogan in order to be there, were evenly spread amongst the 4 different personalities. If anything, the groups with the most people, only by 1 or 2 people, were the “people oriented” personalities, showing friendliness, modesty, optimism, enthusiasm, etc. But, almost just as many having dominant or compliant personalities.

One thing to take from that is that either 50% of the class lied on their Hogan to appear like the other 50% in order to get hired, or United isn’t actually looking for a certain type of personality. Take that for what it’s worth, but I think they are looking more for consistency with the usual inconsistencies (if that makes any sense). To elaborate- people who are risk takers but have their limitations (or people who play it safe but occasionally step out of their comfort zone); people who are generally honest but will admit to lying; people who are smart but may not be able to find the square root of pie without a calculator; people who will put safety and SOP first but who will also admit to pushing the rules to get the job done from time to time; people who like to go out and socialize but don’t mind spending a quiet night at home sometimes, people who are generally positive and optimistic but will once in a while just have a bad day.

If you answer 5 questions saying you want to either be a race car driver, go scuba diving, go sky diving, go bungee jumping, and go heli-skiing, but answer 1 question saying you DONT want to go free climbing up Mt. Everest, that’s fine. Because that’s where you draw the line. But if your answers are all over the place, it will be hard for the system to categorize your answers.

I used this, and the “in general/at work” and it worked for me on my first try. Oh, and when it asks you if you’d like to go back and review your answers, DONT. You’ll just wind up second guessing yourself. Also, RTFQ (read the f’ing question). One question will ask “I always....” and the next page will ask almost the same question with “I never......” The answer to these two questions should be opposite but generally agree with each other. This is the kind of consistency they look for.

drivinghome 11-01-2018 11:39 AM

Great advice
Thanks for posting, captsurf!

drivinghome 11-05-2018 08:18 AM

To anyone who’s taken the Hogan recently... is there a spectrum or range when answering questions, or is it just a simple “Agree” or “Disagree”?

Thanks in advance.

John Carr 11-05-2018 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by drivinghome (Post 2703279)
To anyone who’s taken the Hogan recently... is there a spectrum or range when answering questions, or is it just a simple “Agree” or “Disagree”?

Thanks in advance.

Thought I read a while ago that it changed from 2 answers to more along the lines of an MMPI or others;

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Could be wrong, but some guys in the Sept job fair thread that took the Hogan could answer.

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