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Regularguy 11-23-2012 09:08 PM

Bs alert flag 2!!!

"that many lost all there vacation pay benefits longevity for 4 years as you lead up to your final decision."

Who lost their vacation pay benefits? Up until contract 2000 at Ual no one lost or gain longevity for furlough. While furloughed one only maintained seniority for bidding purposes. Pay longevity was always based on actual years of service and furlough time was only added for first time in contract 2000 for retirement multiplier. But we lost the defined benefit plan in bk.

Lerxst 11-23-2012 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Regularguy (Post 1298056)
Bs flag alert!!!

"42 instead of 44 days now; it is a concession for me that will factor into my final evaluation."

Ok lerxst question, what is your seniority? Will you gain days, remain the same, or lose vacation days?

I'm a maxed out 34+ year pilot and with the pay increase will actually gain days off during my vacation months. Even with two less days.
Not a concession for me at all.

How does your vacation work and one small item cause you go vote no?

As I said, the vacation accrual schedule in the JCBA exactly matches the one we currently have at CAL, until the 30+ year mark where it tops at 42 days (136.5 hours) vs our current 44 days (143 hours). CAL already pays the JCBA rate of 3:15/day, so there is a net loss of 2 days and 6.5 hours for a CAL pilot at the top end scale.

It is also why I said it will be A factor, as in being a singular part of a whole, in making my determination.

Pages 89-91 of the "United Pilot Agreement Contract Comparison" .pdf has vacation accrual and pay grids for the different airlines vs. JCBA.

Now, about your BS flag....

47dog 11-24-2012 12:02 AM

1000 Reasons to vote yes.
UAL furloughees are carved out and longevity is denied. Every CAL pilot receives FULL longevity.


Regularguy 11-24-2012 04:29 AM

Lerxst you didn't answer question. Does your personal vacation home up, stay the same or go down?

What's your seniority? I see 737 ca but how many years at cal?

And for the longevity issue explain and give example of actual loss of longevity of Ual pilot compared to cal. Please use actual years of service and not comparison of DOH.

Regularguy 11-24-2012 04:32 AM

This should read "go up" not "home"

Smart phone and thumbs.

socalflyboy 11-24-2012 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by Regularguy (Post 1298097)
This should read "go up" not "home"

Smart phone and thumbs.

for some reason, started to happen just about the time this lame TA was presented, I for some reason started to use my middle finger more, funny huh?

Lerxst 11-24-2012 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by Regularguy (Post 1298095)
Lerxst you didn't answer question. Does your personal vacation home up, stay the same or go down?

What's your seniority? I see 737 ca but how many years at cal?

And for the longevity issue explain and give example of actual loss of longevity of Ual pilot compared to cal. Please use actual years of service and not comparison of DOH.

My personal vacation, today, remains the same. My future vacation benefit becomes affected. At 30 years I would have gone from 42 to 44 days of vacation; under the JCBA I will remain at 42. Are you trying to say that if a concession is not felt now it doesn't exist or something?

I don't know what you are asking in the second part about longevity?

Regularguy 11-24-2012 07:07 AM

OK Lerxst now we're getting somewhere.

The question about vacation is really this, do CAL pilots as a whole get more, less or the same under this TA (don't think 30 years from now)?

If the answer is more then this is not a concessionary item. I also wonder how long it will be until you and the majority of the CAL pilots get to this "concession" of 2 vacation days after 30 years?

Experience tells me this, there will be many more contracts to come and I guarantee you there will be items which need to be "fixed" in each of the negotiations and associated TAs.

Now as far as the longevity question goes that was really focused on the 47 pilot who made a bold statement. The faqs are proving many, if not all, of these kind of statements to be without merit both in historical data and the TA's wording.

It is my opinion this TA benefits all the pilots of both sUAL and sCAL and there are only two reasons to vote NO. The first is, it is not enough improvement and the second (for CAL pilots) will it hurt advancement to Captain.

I fully understand both of these and they are valid reasons to vote NO. But I disagree strongly the Company will rapidly return to the table and improve all the disputed areas of the contract. At best they will reshuffle the deck and improve your 2 vacation days at a cost to another section.

Looking forward to voting.

Yak02 11-24-2012 07:23 AM

Just another "bottom third of the list" guy tripping over gold bars picking up pennies.

This isn't going to be your last Rodeo. If it is your foaming at the mouth to ratify it.

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