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FTv3 05-30-2019 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by G550Guy (Post 2827183)
However.... getting slap faced bazooka’d in some dive bar on a long layover is your business....

It’s your business until the rest of us have to deal with you showing up to a flight unnecessarily tired from poor sleep caused by “your business”, a ‘lets just get this day over with,’ attitude towards your work, nodding off mid cruise completely oblivious to even which country you are flying over much less any hint of a fire field lingering in that not hung over head of yours, etc. Not saying I haven’t had a big night on a layover, esp in CGN, but if after a couple of times you don’t find yourself saying that that wasn’t smart, not gunna do that again, consider you may have a maturity problem, a professionalism problem, or a legitimate alcohol one.

Originally Posted by G550Guy (Post 2827183)
And there is NOTHING the company can do to you unless you give them something.

All it would take is 1 bad PR event for the company to make a quick swipe of the pen banning alcohol on any company related activity -> overnights. We already put our non-rev benefits in jeopardy, let’s not dick this one up. You wanna party like a rock star? Go buy an electric guitar and leather pants. Brown ones if you want relive old pilot memories.

G550Guy 05-30-2019 02:33 AM

Originally Posted by FTv3 (Post 2828637)
All it would take is 1 bad PR event for the company to make a quick swipe of the pen banning alcohol on any company related activity -> overnights.

Well Johnny Cochran... you are WRONG.

Go read the FARs and about 40 years of case law before yapping your trap. Here’s just one small example of something called “google it”

Employers may have a legitimate business interest in ensuring that employees are not impaired during work; however, they generally do not have a legitimate business interest in regulating an employee’s conduct outside of work. When dealing with alcohol and alcoholism there are a few things that employers should remember:

1. Employers can prohibit employees from using, being impaired by or possessing alcohol in the workplace – i.e. have a drug and alcohol free workplace policy.

2. Alcoholism is a protected disability under the ADA

3. The ADA specifically allows employers to hold alcoholics to the same performance and conduct standards as other employees.

4. Employers can discipline/terminate employees for performance or conduct, in the same manner as other employees, even if the employee claims the performance or conduct was due to alcoholism.

5. Last Chance Agreements can be used to require an employee to get substance abuse treatment, avoid further workplace problems, be tested for alcohol and not violate the company drug and alcohol policy. However, it should steer clear of any prohibition on alcohol use outside of work.

The purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages are legal for humans over 21 in the USA and 18 in most of Europe. An individual is required to make personal judgments in regards to operating motor vehicles or machinery when impaired by alcohol consumption. Furthermore most countries have clearly defined limits on blood alcohol levels. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Several high profile cases of airline pilots coming to work above the legal limit have made the news throughout the years. Not one carrier has ever banned legally drinking while off duty... mainly because they can’t even if they wanted too.

And you need to check yourself with the “you” comments directed towards me. I never condoned or offered an excuse for coming to work drunk. You don’t know this guy, and neither do I. So have a little compassion because you don’t anything about this particular issue.... which is obvious from the way you are pontificating.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

navigatro 05-30-2019 04:44 AM

they could change the FOM to say "no alcohol within 48 hours of flight"

liftr92 05-30-2019 06:24 AM

Originally Posted by navigatro (Post 2828680)
they could change the FOM to say "no alcohol within 48 hours of flight"

I don’t think the actuaries would want the pilot group that healthy- think of the increased cost of retirement spending if all the brown guys were well rested, CrossFit enthusiasts, and enjoyed a true health vegan diet. The company would be CH. 11 inside 12 years with all the upcoming retirements.

FTv3 05-30-2019 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by G550Guy (Post 2828640) need to check yourself with the “you” comments directed towards me. I never condoned or offered an excuse for coming to work drunk. You don’t know this guy, and neither do I. So have a little compassion because you don’t anything about this particular issue.... which is obvious from the way you are pontificating.

Yes, I do know this guy. And the commentary was directed at guys like you vs. you specifically.

Originally Posted by G550Guy (Post 2828640)
Well Johnny Cochran... you are WRONG.

Well then, drink up Johnny!

Seatwarmer 05-30-2019 11:20 AM

Certainly some self proclaimed experts on this subject.

maddogmax 05-30-2019 11:43 AM

When I was hired at NWA in early ‘85, the company policy was no drinking alcohol while on a trip, including layovers. After the merger with Republic, NWA adopted their 12 hr. bottle to throttle policy. I saw much more drinking, many times to excess, before the merger than after. When one is given specific guidelines without fear of reprisal they are much more likely to follow the guidelines.

Vito 05-30-2019 02:22 PM

“however, they generally do not have a legitimate business interest in regulating an employee’s conduct outside of work.”

Don’t you think an employer can reason that an employee is NOT “outside of work” on a layover where said employer is paying for hotel, per diet etc..I wonder if that case can be made by lawyers?

USMCFLYR 05-30-2019 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by 767pilot (Post 2828570)
So you are saying that people have been dragged into Camp Knoxville without their consent, against their own will? How does that happen without a court order?

I will agree that there has been what some may consider coercion and threats in the past, but I am going to be surprised if you tell me that people have gone in against their ultimate wishes. I'd expect a pretty low success rate from people going in that didn't want to be there, to the point where UPS would not be wrong to refuse to pay for them.

I took him as meaning that he was as toast until the Union stepped in and got him/her into HIMS (and I’m sure the person was glad). I don’t know anything about HIMS, but I was under the impression that if you got caught, as this person was caught, you were done. Learning here some say different here.

Not sure about that last chance stuff but in the gov’t (at least in safety sensitive positions) if you get in trouble they can/and do have you sign an abstinence agreement and if they catch doing it after - you are fired.

Boris Badenov 05-30-2019 03:37 PM

The future is hilarious. All of the Acmihaulics can't get hired at UPS, so it's 2000 hour wonders as far as the eye can see, and once they start upgrading, the supplemental pirate scum can see two or three of the burnt out hulks of "tier 1" operators in the landing phase, as they're plotting how to get to the next bar most tout suite. :D

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