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L'il J.Seinfeld 02-09-2015 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by whalesurfer (Post 1822263)
As far as your second point, yes, I think Louisville IS a good citi to live in. I think the issue of what makes a city awesome or awful boils down to our backgrounds and regional preferences. Many if not most Northerners, Californians, etc. have a somewhat negative, prejudiced opinion of the South in general and no matter what you say, if it ain't in Jersey, Brooklyn or Orange County they'll always hate it. Of course, the same can be said about Southerners who get based in Ontario, California.

Is it the best place on earth? Of course not, however Louisville is a clean, safe and very hospitable city. In general it's cheap to live there and people bend over backwards to be kind to you. Now, if you happen to have allergies you won't like it. ..and if you're an uncompromising Yankee, you'll probably develop allergies just so you can hate it. ;)
As always, YMMV.

You do know on the other side of the river 5 miles from the airport is the state of Indiana, right? I'd never think of Louisville as a southern city. I hate the dirty South and this isn't that. It's much more of a Dayton, Indy, or Cincy feel to it. Now if you go south of the airport into Hardin or Bullit counties you start hearing dualing banjos pretty quickly.

whalesurfer 02-09-2015 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by UPSFO4LIFE (Post 1822302)
Not as great as a hotel room, but for Gods sake man, get some earplugs! Beats the crap out of what we had before.

Without a doubt they're "better than before". Heck, pretty much anything is better than before.. However, L'il said they're "as good as possible". No, they're not. ..and ear plugs don't help me very much..

Originally Posted by whalesurfer (Post 1822135)

L'il - sleeping rooms are "as good as possible"? Really?! C'mon, let's get real....
I sleep with earplugs and have a white-noise app on my phone.... honk, honk, honk... "Hopefully", one day when I go deaf I'll be able to get some sleep there... honk, honk...

whalesurfer 02-09-2015 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by L'il J.Seinfeld (Post 1822311)
You do know on the other side of the river 5 miles from the airport is the state of Indiana, right? I'd never think of Louisville as a southern city. I hate the dirty South and this isn't that. It's much more of a Dayton, Indy, or Cincy feel to it. Now if you go south of the airport into Hardin or Bullit counties you start hearing dualing banjos pretty quickly.

You hate "dirty South"? ..and apparently dueling banjos. Wow! How nice of you. Bless your heart.

Huck 02-09-2015 10:49 AM

It's mutual.

MeXC 02-09-2015 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by whalesurfer (Post 1822327)
You hate "dirty South"? ..and apparently dueling banjos. Wow! How nice of you. Bless your heart.

Word. Double bless him. And he doesn't consider Louisville southern? Alrighty, then...:rolleyes:

UPSFO4LIFE 02-09-2015 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by whalesurfer (Post 1822322)
Without a doubt they're "better than before". Heck, pretty much anything is better than before.. However, L'il said they're "as good as possible". No, they're not. ..and ear plugs don't help me very much..

kind of curious why the Union abandoned noise proofing the rooms that face most the outside. A few years ago I was in several of these rooms that were insulated by the union, not UPS. It seemed to make a lot of difference, but the insulation was taken down a few months later and not another word was said by the IPA. Seems like more can be done, but as usual, progress was halted!:confused:

whalesurfer 02-09-2015 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by UPSFO4LIFE (Post 1822335)
kind of curious why the Union abandoned noise proofing the rooms that face most the outside. A few years ago I was in several of these rooms that were insulated by the union, not UPS. It seemed to make a lot of difference, but the insulation was taken down a few months later and not another word was said by the IPA. Seems like more can be done, but as usual, progress was halted!:confused:

Good point fo4life - why was the project abandoned? Was it abandoned by the union or did the company tell them to stop?

Three improvements would make those sleeping rooms fantastic.
1) Sound proof all the rooms (or just stop the idiotic honk-every-3-yards practice).
2) Make all rooms pitch-black. Either provide whole-window curtains or cover up all windows with plywood, etc. The windows don't belong there - they create light- and sound-noise.
3) Better temperature control. As it stands you can't really change the temp and I find most rooms somewhat warm.

Overall I like our sleep rooms and am grateful to my union for getting them for us but they're FAR from Bless-His-Heart's "as good as possible."


Jetjok 02-10-2015 03:55 AM

What a f'ed up place you guys work at, where your union has to actually install soundproofing into rooms that the company built, on company property, so that company pilots can actually get a little sleep, to help them stay awake during their company operations. That's just freakin' incredible. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I guess they really couldn't afford the extra few bucks a room for the insulation. It's just gotta suck working for a company that is "just getting by.";) Condolences.

Sideshow Bob 02-10-2015 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by Jetjok (Post 1822770)
What a f'ed up place you guys work at, where your union has to actually install soundproofing into rooms that the company built, on company property, so that company pilots can actually get a little sleep, to help them stay awake during their company operations. That's just freakin' incredible. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I guess they really couldn't afford the extra few bucks a room for the insulation. It's just gotta suck working for a company that is "just getting by.";) Condolences.

Meet Max Profit...

As Fred eyes his retirement and/or a MBA-type takes the reigns there, you may well face your own. Neither of us has any control over who the BOD picks to run the show, but we do elect who runs our own unions. Perhaps you guys should work on your side of the street in that regard and stop the civil war in FDX ALPA we keep reading about. Just watch you don't screw the pooch and get eaten alive...again.

package puppy 02-10-2015 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by Sideshow Bob (Post 1822857)
Meet Max Profit...

As Fred eyes his retirement and/or a MBA-type takes the reigns there, you may well face your own. Neither of us has any control over who the BOD picks to run the show, but we do elect and run our own unions. Perhaps you guys should work on your side of the street in that regard and stop the civil war in FDX ALPA we keep reading about. Just watch you don't screw the pooch and get eaten alive...again.

I thank Fred Smith for my job at UPS and I thank the IPA for making it tolerable. I suggest FedEx pilots take a long hard look at UPS and what the company tries to inflict upon their pilots because as Bob said, sooner or later, the boys in purple will surely suffer the same fate. The internal question should be will the membership have the means to deal with it as well as the IPA has over many, many years?

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