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Old 01-08-2007, 06:52 AM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by FlyerJosh View Post
I have no problem with RECIPROCAL jumpseating rights. IMHO, you're not starting a jumpseat war if you offer the same rights to other carriers as they offer your company's pilots.

Many carriers have an open seat, open jumpseat policy. Amongst themselves, they should offer the same agreement. However, why should these carriers offer any additional benefits to carriers that don't do so?

Delta only allows one jumpseater. Okay, so for delta jumpseaters on airline XYZ (that offers open seat open jumpseat), there should only be one jumpseat. Not a war, not a denial, but simply RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT.

I guarantee you that if NWA and DAL pilots started being inconvenienced there would be more pressure from within their pilot group to get the rule changed. It's all fine and dandy to talk with your jumpseaters and request reciprocal rights, but you know what? As soon as they get off the plane, they could care less. ALPA participation already sucks when it comes to IMPORTANT issues like contract votes and leadership elections. What makes you think it will be even close to that when it comes to side issues like jumpseating?

Policy like this has to come from the TOP down though (via the jumpseat committee), and has to be company wide policy. Having individual flight crews deny jumpseats because they were previously denied is bad form and not the proper action to take.

My recommendation is to contact your company's jumpseat coordinator and let him/her know your experience. The more peope that complain about these policies (from both airlines), the more likely something will change. (Either DAL/NWA will open their cabins, or your company's policy will change to reflect their unwillingness to do so).
Agree completely, Josh just beat me to it. If you've already taken one jumpseater and a Delta guy wants on, explain to him that you already have one jumpseater and are just mirroring the Delta policy. That guy will have plenty of time to think about it and make a call to HIS (Delta) jumpseat coordinator while he waits for the next flight. If a Delta guy gives you a hardluck story about getting home for his kid's birthday or anniversary or something I'd let him sweat it a little bit and then let him on. I'm not totally heartless and he might appreciate it enough to make a call to his JS coordinator.
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