Thread: Official: Eagle to be divested

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galaxy flyer , 07-25-2011 05:51 PM
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galaxy flyer
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Correct, it should read "every one of the changes". Not bitter at all, I've done a load of things that I have loved in aviation, love my present job, being in Hawaii with a day off, for example. Just none of it was in the airline side which has, relative to the the whole industry, declined markedly. When PATCO went out, the controllers wanted airline pay, well, they got it 20 years later. In the 80's, everybody derided SWA pay and conditions, they are the top of the heap because everybody else fell. Guys I work with in corporates are deferring recall to AA because pay and conditions are better here; in the USAFR, I had two AA 75/76 captains taking mil leave, because the take home pay (admittedly with some tax-free pay) was better than AA's pay. Th airline terms and conditions have been brought down to the point where it is just another choice for pilots, not the pinnacle it once was.
