Thread: Omni Air

Omnipilot , 08-13-2011 04:32 PM
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DC10s have been on their way out for years, but we own them all so aside from the gas they are cheap to operate. So they could be around for a while as long as the company has a contract that fits their capability and makes money.

The 757s will be going away within 6-12 months unless a contract comes along to cause them to stay too. The 757s are both leased airplanes so they'll probably be just turned in to the leasing company within a year.

The five 767-300ERs are all owned by Omni (except one), and that fleet is growing by three more airplanes (relatively new -200ERs) within a couple months. They will be around a while.

Any time Omni can find a good deal to purchase more 767s and 777s, you can bet they will do so and add them to the fleet.

So, basically you'll see the 757s disappear first, then the DC10s within about 5 years I suspect (maybe sooner), leaving us with two fleet types: all 767s (currently about five -300ERs and three -200ERs (arriving soon)) and also several 777s. You could expect both fleet sizes to expand as Omni continues to purchase those types with cash money.