Thread: Where are the "official" acceptance numbers?

dvhighdrive88 , 09-14-2011 01:51 PM
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Communication from United Furlough
By now many may have gotten the email from the United furlough rep stating info about Guam and junior/senior information, however unfortunately there wasn't any concrete bypass numbers.

We have heard several times lately that the BOTH October classes were filled by the first 100 calls with the Guam slots by 123 down the list.

The email today changes that to only one class filled (Otober 4th) and the junior Guam taker at 158.

So to recap and get a grip on things, how many were in the October 4th class, how many are in the later October class and if so do we still know how many calls they had to make to fill that first class? Trying to figure a bypass ratio. Filling two classes in 100 calls is one thing, but only having filled one class (12 or 16 seats right?) so far and accelerating the letter sending to 250 per shot rather than 100 could indicate the bypass and acceptance ratio is considerably higher than many have been speculating.

Add to that the reports here that Continetal folks are saying the whole list may gone through to get the 178 or more, suggests a ratio of closer to 8 to 1 and that a 50% bypass percentage is already being generated by military defers.

Still hard to believe this might be the case but can everybody jump in here and either correct my numbers or refute the possibility that info is emerging that is suggesting the bypass ratio may be much higher than the 3 or 4 to 1?

Maybe I am looking at the data wrong. Thanks. DV