Thread: Say "NO" to FDX CBA Section 29

AFW_MD11's Avatar
AFW_MD11 , 05-10-2012 06:38 AM
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Quote: The contract was approved by 94.6 percent to 5.4 percent with 93.7 percent of eligible pilots voting. The contract takes effect on October 30 and successfully concludes a negotiation process begun in 2004.
- FedEx Express Press Release October 17, 2006

So, nearly 95% of the pilots voted for the contract which included section 29, but now you don't think anyone wants it? How quickly some forget how disgusted the membership was (still is) with the non-member, free loaders. That section was a must have for many if not most of the pilots. Six years later and we get your post.

From the responses you've received, it appears you are still in the 5%. It's always about the money and nothing else with the non-members and those that wish to stop paying dues. I'd suggest that you go back and read the FDX pilot history on our ALPA website, assuming you have access.
The mistake we made was "grandfathering" the then current non-members and allowing them to continue as non-members without dues assessment going forward.