Thread: The airlines are creating the Pilot Shortage

skylover , 06-28-2012 07:07 AM
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Quote: Where is this nice apartment at in Atlanta? My "nice" apartment runs me $900 a month not including any utilities sure you could probably go way outside the city or live in BFE and find a place for $700, but then you're stuck driving to work in the worst city traffic in the country. That's not a joke it's rated number 1 worst and after I come home from work the last thing I want to do is be stuck in traffic here. $25K after tax leaves you with maybe $1750 a month you can kiss at least $1k away on rent and utilities. $750 doesn't leave much for other bills food and beer. Trust everyone when they are giving you their advice here they are either living it or have lived it once or twice before.
I understand. Obviously my budget must have been a little underestimated, because on paper it didn't look as bad as what you're describing.

How are regional airlines going to get new-hires then if they continue to pay such low salaries, especially with the increased attrition in the coming years? They must increase pay to attract new pilots, right?