Thread: Top 25 Mistakes Airline Pilots Make (Divorce)

Snarge , 10-22-2012 02:53 PM
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Quote: Redskinfan wife posting.... I applaud your response Belk. And I do have an observation to share about being married to a commercial pilot for 25 years. There was an earlier post on this thread advising that a pilot only marry a woman who is independent and has her own career to ensure that the marriage works and she is sufficiently intellectually engaged in her own life while pilot husband is gone flying the friendly skies. And should the 2 of you divorce and Go your separate ways. Life is never that simple, especially when you both truly love each other. The commercial aviation industry is very hard on marriages, and my advice is show your wife every day how much you love and appreciate her, never take her for granted. In my 25 years of marriage I was employed in a high powered career where I was very successful and well paid, but I carried a very high stress load trying to manage as a single parent, managing the home and working and traveling for my job about 20 trips per year. At some point a few years back my husband decided without discussing with me that I was no longer paying enough attention to him. gee, imagine that, i was exhausted. He fell into a vary dangerous repeat pattern of "FA's with benefits" . Imagine my shock, hurt, anger, betrayal. A marriage has to have 2 way honest communication to work. If it is not working, talk to your spouse and enlist the help of a good marriage therapist. Don't just blindly think you are entitled to go look elsewhere for "benefits" without severe consequences. Spouses typically have a 6th sense when something is going on, it is very easy to do the detective work to prove it, even if you are 3000 miles away. If you want to lead that type of promiscuous lifestyle man up, get out of your marriage, but don't carry on behind your spouses back for years and act like everything is roses at home.

Don't you bear some responsibility? By choosing a high stress career you chose to not pay attention enough to your spouse. Someone had to be sacrificed. It seems you accepted the impossible societal expectations and no win trap of career woman, home maker and mom. What about attentive spouse? No one likes being low priority when they are high priority.

Didn't you fail your own advice: and my advice is show your wife every day how much you love and appreciate her, never take her for granted. (change wife to husband, her to him)

Note that our society doesn't look at the big picture that contributed to the indiscretion, just the indiscretion itself.......

You have a point that husband could have communicated his concerns instead of cheating yet you could have been more committed to him in the first place?