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Old 12-02-2012, 02:29 PM
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Joined APC: Nov 2012
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by webecheck View Post
No offense, but I find this hard to believe. A squadron, be it the DO or chf of scheduling, cant just choose to fly someone at less than RAP and have it be no big deal. Just to test the waters, be available for 2 months straight. No leave or other reasons for them to say they couldnt fly you. Once you dont make rap the first month, I bet it gets sorted out. Have the data to compare your total RAP sorties to that of the rest of the squadron. If your complaint is legit, it will get noticed.

Fighter squadron life sucks. Its just the way it is, and its not going to get better. I think being a Lt or Capt in a ftr sq is the worst quality of life one could possibly have. I can attest that its gets better as an ADO, and if you find yourself attached one day it should be better too....depending on your idea of what is a good QOL. For me, having reasonable work days and not a slave to the constant last minute unnecessary waste of time pilot meeting that starts at 1730 or 1800 where the topic of the day is how we're all f'ing up cuz some dbag cold soaked a pod.

I'm attached and have a fairly normal work week. I fly at BMC, and am happy to do so. When I think back to my younger ftr days I can tell you it was way worse than life now. So, hang in there dude, or just get out.

Best advice I can give you, and this will have an immediate impact on your attitude and thoughts of life in the AF starting tomorrow: Quit trying to compete to be the next #1 strat. Do the best you can with a reasonable amount of effort and just let the chips fall where they may. Do you even want to be a General one day? If not, why freaking stress about not being the #1 push. Work a reasonably expected amount and then split for some hobbies. Odds are you wont be the last push on base, those are usually reserved for dudes who consistently dork stuff up, but you'll be immensely happier because you're doing some stuff for yourself for a change. Even if you are vml'd to a non ftr assignment, its not that big of a deal. You may even find you like it so much it convinces you to stay in. I know of countless dudes who enjoyed their alo, upt, etc tour more than their first ftr tour.

If you went the ftr track, a 20 year career is definitely a marathon not a sprint. All the sprinters split once the UPT adsc is up, those who stay are the marathoners and wanna be Generals. If one of your goals is to be a General, then you're just going to have to eat that $h1t sandwich and quit complaining. If you just want to serve, maybe make Major or LC, and be a good American who offers 20 years to his country, quit stressing about being top dog.

As long as the pension remains the same, those that stick it out to 20 and then go airlines/civy job will be happy they did imo. Thats my plan anyway. Then again, i'm eating a 365 next year cuz of that plan.

All imho.
Holy Bat**** running Robin....really? Your life sucks, but hell, I'll keep doing it? The only way to enjoy life is attached and not expecting to fly? The grass IS greener somewhere else and I advise you find it, going though life hating your job is nowhere to live. Follow his advice and you'll end up at a white jet base/UAS and then you WILL have some major stuff to complain about. I've seen one part of that side and no thanks.
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