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Old 02-05-2013, 12:17 PM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
Posts: 8,350

Originally Posted by RJ Pilot
Joey, would you care to tell us how in what shape or form does the $500.00 bonus affect you as an AA pilot?

Still working your way ass kissing for a management position?
I'll answer you, then you answer me.

First, it negatively affects ALL pilots in the profession when pilots assist their own management in solving their staffing needs when that management has a long history of manipulating you and taking advantage at every opportunity. Staffing needs deficient because it is managment that has chosen to destroy acceptable compensation in the first place and outsource your work. It weakens us ALL. I suppose next, they'll ask you to assist RAH in working the gates at ORD on your between flight breaks until they are up to speed. I'm sure you'd do that too.

Second, if I was interested in a management position, don't you think my statement (the one you attack) would be exactly the opposite of what I would advocate ? If that were my goal, I'd be advocating FOR you to assist in recruiting at your carrier.

Now that we've established you're so clueless as you cannot even correctly decipher the most basic of my posts, could you explain why you keep referring to me as "Joey" or "JJ" when you've been told countless time you're incorrect ?

If you can't or won't explain that, perhaps you can provide an accurate foundation as to why you believe I am this person ?

At this point, I'm convinced you cannot even pick your nose with any degree of competence and have demonstrated yourself to be nothing more than a Texas knuckledragger. You're really going to have to hit a grand slam here to grunt your way back to any reasonable credibility IMO.

If this is all too much for you, I'll understand if you just grunt or snort a few times, scratch yourself and leave it at that. At least you'd be consistant............
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