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Old 04-20-2013, 08:18 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Apr 2013
Posts: 59

Originally Posted by PermaFo View Post
8 total new hires have reached the rosters... I read on here that another class is this monday but no way to tell how many are supposed to be there OR how many will actually show up.

To start, yes people are being sent to HI. Read my last post here. But the point I really, really want to you to get is to please not be naive when it comes to "what the company says". Regardless what they say or don't say, imply or whatever, they're not obligated to follow through whatsoever. Liars? Maybe, and in my experience frequently. But unless it's written down in a binding agreement they will do what they please. Including sending you wherever there is a vacancy. I hope you get what you want, I really do, but regardless what they say.... they wont back it up SO don't count on it.

I did the Video interview. There were 2 crewmembers on the other end and it lasted about one hour. They were upbeat, knowledgeable and professional. There is no way to prepare as it was mostly HR/situational type questions that were derived from my application and past experience. They addressed all of my questions and as far as what they say...They actually referenced the pilot contact so I guess that qualifies as a binding agreement.

While I'm not sure about small details of all contracts,I can say that the 100% canelation pay is refreshing and rare. The training was excellant and I found the training staff to be just as professional and upbeat as the recruiters. Best part and biggest surprise since it wasn't pointed out before I hit the property...My family was able to visit because of the single occupancy hotel in training.

All in all...good experience.
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