Thread: Fleet basing post merger

R57 relay , 05-03-2013 06:41 AM
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R57 relay
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Quote: Maybe what you need is an outside arbitrator that everyone can look at and hate instead of hating each other so here I am willing to volunteer a UAL outsider who has no business interfering in your virulent attacks but can't help meddling anyways . . .

Joe Peck
Thanks for the info Joe.

As for #1, the point is taken and cacti and I have agreed to take it to the AOL update cesspool where others can easily avoid it. It's easy to slip back into the Nic BS, but I realize the vast majority don't care, other than how it may affect the next SLI as eaglefly mentioned. That point is valid going forward.

Did you guys open bases in the other airlines base? Seems I remember a UA base in IAH and CO base in ORD. That was prohibited by our TA in the US/AWA merger.

Management said that they want to match aircraft to demand here pretty quickly after POR. I think we will see a lot of shifting, we'll see.

Good luck on your SLI.