Thread: ATL overstaffed SWA

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blakman7 , 05-13-2013 05:10 PM
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Quote: That is the problem, because you are an outsider that has no access to the the documents pertaining to the deal, you are forced to come to an internet web board and make assumptions based on the BS that is spewed here regularly. You can't make informed decisions without all the info. So forgive me if I disregard your opinion. I will happily listen when someone actually involved loves or hates the deal. The decisions that were made actually effect them and they have access to the information that allows them to make truly informed assessments, the rest is just internet noise.
I actually had and still have access to the documents pertaining to the deal. So therefore, I can and still will have opinions when I see foul play. That's how and why I have made comments that you might not particularly agree with.....especially when you are part of the group that screwed 1,700 pilots. Sorry if its too much for you to handle Shoelu. Just saying........