Thread: AOL update

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Carl Spackler , 05-30-2013 12:26 PM
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Carl Spackler
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Quote: I am not the least bit confused. Carl when I make a statement like "east careers were all but over" I am talking about two very important facts that led to the arbitrators decision. One, the east was furloughed up to 40% of their list 40%! That means unless you had 18 yrs with usair at the time of the merger you were furloughed.
And you guys obviously needed to do the same, but didn't...until after the arbitration. I understand that you want your new seniority to be based on a snapshot in time that's most advantageous to your side. I get that. It fooled Nicolau. But now we clearly see what a straw house your operation was. Had the Nic been implemented, you would have pulled off a legal maneuver of epic proportion.

Quote: Second and equally damaging was that for the last month prior to the merger being closed AMERICA WEST covered the east payroll!
If that happened because the east couldn't get financing anywhere else (as opposed to Parker wanting to do it for better interest rates or other reason), then you'd have a point in your favor. But I don't know why that was done.

Quote: Last, AWA had come off its most profitable year in history right before this merger yet the east says we were filing bankruptcy. Well I have searched all the 10q's and the AWA reports support the east's claims. Carl like I told relay, all this was given to the arbitrator prior to a decision and we are where we are today as a result of their dishonest act.
I don't know about dishonest, but it's been perfectly legal thus far. I know it sucks to be legally out maneuvered, but that's now the case. You might still pull a rabbit out of your hat, but as I said earlier, the Nic is legal...but moot. Courts rarely waste their time on moot issues.
