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Old 06-09-2013, 07:26 AM
Joined APC: Mar 2013
Posts: 536

Untied - this is a mute issue as far as the negotiating committees for both sides are concerned. As it turns out the cal guys were trying to piggy-back the express guy to the cal guys senority just in front of him on the cal list. Giving the express guy super senority over the UAL guy that would follow the cal guy.

During the rebuttal phase, the cal side is set to lose big because of cal's overreach on stuff like this. Ultimately, hurting cal's overall position and causing them to appear even more greedy than was thought. The cal negotiating committee is ready to start shedding-off the groups they used as fodder in the posturing phase. You cal "special interest groups" should start calling your LEC rep's and let them how you feel about being used as fodder. It's time for pierce to sell you out! Are you surprised given pierce's history?
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